Adult & Juvenile Justice Assistance

Office of Adult & Juvenile Justice Assistance


New Grant Opportunities

The Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program - The intent of the Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program is to provide grant funding to eligible recipients to provide collaborative support for community-based, multidisciplinary approaches to crime prevention and crisis intervention strategies, specifically in areas where crime is disproportionately high.

Visit the Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program page for more information.

DEADLINE: Applications must be submitted through the online Grant Management System on or before June 10, 2024. 



New Reporting Feature

The Death in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA; Public Law 113-242) requires states to report to the Attorney General information regarding the death of any person who is either detained, under arrest, in the process of being arrested, en route to be incarcerated, or is incarcerated at a municipal or county jail, state prison, state-run boot camp prison, boot camp prison that is contracted out by the state, or any state or local contract facility, or other local or state correctional facility (including any juvenile facility). These death-in-custody data were previously captured by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).

In 2019, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) took over the aggregation of state and local mortality data on behalf of the Department of Justice. State Administering Agencies (SAAs) continue to be responsible for collecting these data on a quarterly basis from state and local entities including law enforcement agencies, local jails, correctional institutions, medical examiners, and other state agencies. SAAs then compile and submit the data to BJA as part of their Justice Assistance Grant reporting.

Death in Custody Reporting

In Colorado, reporting is required to the Division of Criminal Justice, which is the SAA for the state. Please fill out the form and submit. It will be approved by DCJ and if there are questions they will be in contact with the submitter.

Complete a DCRA Form  


Board, Council, & Committee

The Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance supports the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Council and the Justice Assistance Grant Board. For specific questions and staff Contact Us.

Grant Programs


The Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance (OAJJA) manages several state and federal grant programs--all designed to provide support to and assist in the improvement of the justice system. Programs range from juvenile justice funding to support priorities such as addressing the needs of low-risk but high-need juveniles or research and evaluation, to criminal justice funding that supports local law enforcement and other criminal justice entities. Funding is generally made available to local and state agencies (both governmental and non-governmental) through a grant-making process. 

