Contact Us

Main Office

700 Kipling, Suite 1000
Lakewood, Colorado 80215

Main:  303-239-4442
Fax:    303-239-4491

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries contact: 

CORA requests

To request public records under the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) or Criminal Justice Records Act.

Per provisions of CORA and the CDPS Colorado Open Records Act Policy, the Division of Criminal Justice may charge for research and retrieval of public records.  The first hour of time associated with research and retrieval of public records is provided at no cost.  For more than one hour, a maximum hourly rate is $41.37 for research and retrieval of public records.  A quote will be given and payment must be received prior to retrieval work.

The Division of Criminal Justice is not the custodian of the following records:

  • medical records or reports
  • driving /motor vehicle records
  • background checks of individuals
  • court proceedings/ cases / convictions from any county or district court
  • reports filed with any law enforcement agency, this includes records and or footage of any kind

To move forward with a request, please submit a CORA request form.

In order to expedite service and minimize research/retrieval time and fees, it helps to be as specific in your request as possible. When possible, include information such as:

  • The specific agency and unit you believe is the custodian of the record (we may be able to help determine this if you do not know)
  • The specific document(s) you are looking for, or the type of document if you don't know the specific name
  • The specific individuals or agencies referenced in the records (e.g. the name of a specific community corrections facility)
  • The date of the record or the time frame for various records (e.g. board minutes from Jan. 15, 2021 or all board minutes from Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2015)

Office of Adult & Juvenile Justice Assistance

General inquiries, funding opportunities, restorative justice, Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Council, and JAG Board

Kelly Abbott, OAJJA Manager | 303-239-5717 | kelly.abbott@state.co.us

General inquiries, budget & finance for all OAJJA programs

Cindy Johnson, Financial Grant Supervisor | 303-239-4443 | cindya.johnson@state.co.us

Accounting & Financial

Accounting & Financial – Juvenile Diversion, Marijuana Tax Cash Fund, Coverdell grants, NCHIP, and PSN

Gary Fugo, Financial Grant Manager | 303-239-4186 | gary.fugo@state.co.us

Accounting & Financial – JAG, JAG PREA, LEAGP, and Title II/Formula grants

Kelly Abbott, OAJJA Manager | 303-239-5717 | kelly.abbott@state.co.us

JJDP Act, Grant Compliance, and Reducing Racial & Ethnic Disparities 

JJDP Act Compliance

Mona Barnes, Compliance Monitor/Program Grant Manager | 303-239-4188 | monal.barnes@state.co.us

Sub-recipient Monitor for OAJJA Grant Funded Programs

Kyle McDonald, Grant Compliance Monitor | 303-548-7038 | kyle.mcdonald@state.co.us

Reducing Racial & Ethnic Disparities, Coalition for Minority Youth Equality, and John R Justice grants

Anna Lopez, Reducing Racial & Ethnic Disparities Coordinator & Federal Programs Grant Manager | 720-582-2091 | anna.lopez@state.co.us

Grant program questions

Juvenile Diversion and Marijuana Tax Cash Fund Grants

Kate Ferebee, Program Grant Manager | 720-591-1710 | kate.ferebee@state.co.us

Coverdell, JAG & NCHIP grants, JAG PREA, LEAGP, PSN, and Title II/Formula

Kelly Abbott, OAJJA Manager | 303-239-5717 | kelly.abbott@state.co.us


Amy Miller, CESF Program Grant Manager | 720-357-4962 | amy.l.miller@state.co.us

Office of Community Corrections

OCC Leadership

Katie Ruske, Manager | C: 303-704-9277 | E: katie.ruske@state.co.us

Valarie Schamper, Deputy Manager | C: 303-476-8391 | E: valarie.schamper@state.co.us

Billing, Contracts & Fiscal Issues

Arlene Duran | O: 303-239-4548 | E: arlene.duran@state.co.us (Monday/Tuesday)

Tammy Russ | O: 303-239-4548 | E: tamara.russ@state.co.us (Wednesday/Thursday)

CCIB & Advisory Council

CCIB, Critical Incident Reports & Advisory Council

Wendy Bacchi | O: 303-239-4586 | C: 303-919-9655 | E: wendy.bacchi@state.co.us


HB18-1251 Implementation & Transition 

Chrystal Owin C: 303-968-8492 | E: chrystal.owin@state.co.us

Program Auditing & Quality Assurance

RSAT & Child Support Enforcement, Program Auditing & Quality Assurance

Mindy Miklos | O: 303-239-4474 | E: mindy.miklos@state.co.us (Tue/Wed)

Core Security, Program Auditing & Quality Assurance

Shawna Nichols | C: 720-688-3793| E: shawna.nichols@state.co.us

Ellen Dawson | C: 720-626-8793 | E: ellen.dawson@state.co.us

Jeff Jorden | C: 720-788-6033 | E: jeff.jorden@state.co.us

Ta'Shana Sanders | C: 303-416-0188 | E: tashana.sanders@state.co.us

Specialized Program Auditing & Quality Assurance

Ellen Dawson | C: 720-626-8793 | E: ellen.dawson@state.co.us

PREA, Program Auditing & Quality Assurance

Jeff Jorden | C: 720-788-6033 | E: jeff.jorden@state.co.us

Fidelity, Process Implementation, Training & Technical Assistance

Fidelity, Process Implementation, Training & Technical Assistance Supervisors

Cara Wagner, Supervisor | C: 720-688-0042 | E: cara.wagner@state.co.us

Tahnee Santambrogio, Supervisor | C: 303-396-9882 | E: tahnee.santambrogio@state.co.us

PACE & EBP - Program Fidelity and Evaluations

Shane Fowler | C: 720-520-1414 | E: shaneh.fowler@state.co.us

Rodrigo Luevano | C: 720-765-9831 | E: rodrigo.luevano@state.co.us

Morayma (Mo) Trejo | C: coming soon | E: morayma.trejo@state.co.us

Matthew Tullis | C: 303-552-4718 | E: matthew.tullis@state.co.us

Process Implementation & Fidelity

Cara Wagner | C: 720-688-0042 | E: cara.wagner@state.co.us

Implementation & Technical Assistance Specialist

Kate Coates | C: 303-917-0263 | E: kate.coates@state.co.us



Office of Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management

Domestic Violence Offender Management Board

Program Manager

Jesse Hansen, MPA | 720-810-5426 | jesse.hansen@state.co.us


Program Coordinator

Caroleena Frane, LPC, LAC, ADS | 720-512-8474 | caroleena.frane@state.co.us


Implementation Specialist

Reggin Palmitesso-Martinez, BA | 720-948-9092 | reggin.palmitesso-martinez@state.co.us


Application & Compliance Coordinator

Brittinie Sandoval | 720-788-0596 | brittinie.sandoval@state.co.us


Program Generalist

Ellen Creecy | 720-520-9817 | ellen.creecy@state.co.us


Statistical Analyst

Yuanting Zhang, PhD | 303-239-4373 | yuanting.zhang@state.co.us


Research and Statistical Analyst

Rachael Collie, PhD | 720-390-9951 | rachael.collie@state.co.us


Operations Coordinator

Taylor Kriesel | 303-345-3552 | taylor.redding@state.co.us


Program Assistant 

Jill Trowbridge | 303-239-4526 | jill.trowbridge@state.co.us


Sex Offender Management Board

Program Manager

Jesse Hansen, MPA | 720-810-5426 | jesse.hansen@state.co.us


Program Coordinator

Raechel Alderete, BS | 303-515-1133raechel.alderete@state.co.us


Implementation Specialist

Erin Austin, MPA | 303-483-5546erin.austin@state.co.us


Juvenile Implementation Specialist

Paige Brown, MSM | 720-471-5358 | paige.brown@state.co.us


Application & Compliance Coordinator



Program Generalist

Ellen Creecy | 720-520-9817 | ellen.creecy@state.co.us


Statistical Analyst

Yuanting Zhang, PhD | 303-239-4373 | yuanting.zhang@state.co.us


Research and Statistical Analyst

Rachael Collie, PhD | 720-390-9951 | rachael.collie@state.co.us


Operations Coordinator

Taylor Kriesel | 303-345-3552 | taylor.redding@state.co.us


Program Assistant 

Jill Trowbridge | 303-239-4526 | jill.trowbridge@state.co.us

Office of Research and Statistics

General Information & Inquiries

Research Director

Jack Reed, Research Director | jack.reed@state.co.us

Office for Victims Programs

General Inquiries

Berit Evans | 303-239-5719 | cdps.ovpconnect@state.co.us

Unit Manager

Kelly Kissell | 303-239-4437 | kelly.kissell@state.co.us


Ashley Riley Lopes | cvsgrants@state.co.us

Victims' Rights

Kim Branham | 303-239-4497 |kim.branham@state.co.us

Human Trafficking Program

Maria Trujillo| 720-618-9974 |cdps_chtc_info@state.co.us

Victim Compensation

Kate Horn-Murphy | 720-672-2166 | kate.horn-murphy@state.co.us

DCJ Grants

ZoomGrants Technical Support

Zoomgrants technical support | DCJGMS@state.co.us

Grants Staff

Lyndsay Clelland | Division of Criminal Justice Grant and Contract Coordinator | lyndsay.clelland@state.co.us

Gillian Trickett | Grants Management Data Migration Specialist | gillian.trickett@state.co.us