
The Division of Criminal Justice offers numerous training opportunities for Criminal Justice professionals in a variety of formats, including:

  • Online, on-demand, self-paced training
  • Regularly scheduled in-classroom trainings and conferences
  • And training by request for your agency.

NOTE: Many of these courses require registration via the State Learning Management System. If you are a NEW user, you must create a new STUDENT ACCOUNT and follow the prompts before you can register for a class.


ZoomGrants Grantee Basic Navigation and New Accounts

2016/17- Setup for Current Active Grants - Transitional Instructions - If your grant was selected to transition to ZoomGrants (ZG) in 2016, you will have received communication from your DCJ Grant Manager with a username and password. 2016 project information was migrated/entered into the ZG system. Follow these instructions to navigate the ZG system and to validate that the project information was entered correctly.

2016/17 - Transitional Instructions Webinar (Webinar ~ 84 min) - This webinar accompanies the written instructions listed above (2016/17 - Setup for Current DCJ Active Grants - Transitional Instructions).

Navigating ZoomGrants and Setting up New Accounts - New application cycles beginning October 2016, and later will utilize ZoomGrants. Grants will be administered from the project application to close-out. These instructions are intended to cover basic navigation and new user account setup. Note: if your project was initiated outside of ZoomGrants and transitioned to ZoomGrants follow the Transitional instructions above.

Navigating ZoomGrants and Setting up New accounts Webinar (Webinar ~ 67 min) - This webinar accompanies the above written instructions.

ZoomGrants Grantee Application FAQs and Tips

Completing Applications in ZoomGrants FAQs

This document is updated regularly. Please check back for updates.

ZoomGrants Grantee Post Award Submissions (Payment Request and Reports/Forms submissions)

Quick Reference: Submitting Post Award Submissions - This one-page quick reference describes where each type of submission should be uploaded or completed within ZoomGrants.

Job Aid: How to Submit Post Award Submissions - This job aid provides instructions for Grantees on how to upload Post Award Submissions (Payment Requests, Narrative Reports, and other reporting requirements) to DCJ via ZoomGrants.

ZoomGrants Board/Council Reviewers Basic Navigation

Navigating ZoomGrants for Board/Council Reviewer - Basic navigation instructions for logging onto ZoomGrants and moving around the system. Additional job aids will be posted for specific grant programs.

Navigating ZoomGrants Webinar for Board/Council Reviewers (Webinar ~ 37 min) - This webinar accompanies the written instructions listed above (Navigating ZoomGrants for Board/Council Reviewers).

ZoomGrants Board/Council Reviewers Program Specific Job Aids

Job Aid: Council Reviewers for the 2017-2018 State Juvenile Diversion Program &, Marijuana Tax Cash Funds - Supplemental Council Review instructions intended to accompany the Basic Navigation instructions.

Job Aid: Board Reviewers for the 2017 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) - Supplemental Board Review instructions intended to accompany the Basic Navigation instructions.

ZoomGrants Default Email Client

Default Email Client (PDF) - ZoomGrants has the ability to launch an email window to an Applicant/Grantee. DCJ employees use Google as the email client. These instructions provide information on how to update your settings to launch Gmail from ZG.

Looking for More?

Human Trafficking: Training Tailored to Your Organization

FORMAT: Presentation tailored to your industry/organization
LENGTH: Varies, typically 2 hours
COST: Free
AUDIENCE: Any agency, business, or organization that wants to learn more about human trafficking in Colorado
REGISTER: Contact Camerron Resener (720.667.9041) to discuss, schedule, and tailor your presentation. 
DESCRIPTION: Human Trafficking experts from the Division of Criminal Justice can come to your organization, or event, to give a presentation tailored to your audience, including an overview of human trafficking, local and national trends, indicators of human trafficking, and what actions you can take to combat human trafficking.

OAJJA Grant Administration & Management

FORMAT: Self-guided Instructional Materials
AUDIENCE: Representatives of any agency that has received a grant through the Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance (OAJJA).
DESCRIPTION: These three training modules are designed to take you from the beginning of your grant through the close of your grant. These training sessions can be accessed using the links below. After you complete each module, we ask that you take a very brief survey using the link at the end of the module.
OAJJA Module 101: Grant Administration and Set-Up
OAJJA Module 102: Grant Management and Reporting
OAJJA Module 104: Monitoring
Additionally, grantees receiving Federal JAG funds must follow mandatory Federal Performance Measurement Reporting requirements. For more information and training in relation to those requirements, please visit our Grants Page.