Colorado's Public Safety Package
Through these multiple pieces of legislation and others, Colorado is implementing a comprehensive public safety package aimed to make Colorado one of the safest states in the nation. By using a multi-faceted approach that engages all stakeholders involved in, and/or impacted by, the criminal justice system, Colorado seeks to collaboratively address public safety through both prevention and early intervention strategies. The State hopes to empower local communities to implement evidence-based, innovative programs that meet their specific public safety needs.
- Synthetic Opiate Poisoning Investigation and Distribution Interdiction Grant Program (Fentanyl Accountability & Prevention)
The Synthetic Opiate Poisoning Investigation and Distribution Interdiction Grant Program is a funding opportunity offered through the Office of Adult and Juvenile Assistance (OAJJA) for fiscal year 2024 and 2025 in consultation with the Deputy Attorney General, the P.O.S.T. Board Director, and the Opioid Crisis Recovery Funds Advisory Committee which supports the Colorado Department of Law.
The intent of the Synthetic Opiate Poisoning Investigation and Distribution Interdiction Grant Program is to provide grant funding to law enforcement agencies for the purpose of investigating deaths and serious injuries caused by illegal synthetic opiate poisoning and for disrupting synthetic opiate supplies.
Resource: HB22-1326 Fentanyl Accountability And Prevention
Project Application DEADLINE: Closed
- The State’s Mission for Assistance in Recruiting and Training (SMART) Grant Program
The State’s Mission for Assistance in Recruiting and Training (SMART) Grant Program is a funding opportunity offered through the Office of Adult and Juvenile Assistance (OAJJA).
The goal of the State’s Mission for Assistance in Recruiting and Training (SMART) Grant Program is to provide grants to law enforcement agencies to increase the number of P.O.S.T.-certified and non-certified law enforcement officers who are representative of the communities they serve and to provide training for those additional law enforcement officers.More Information and Funding Announcement
Project Application DEADLINE: April 23, 2024
- The Law Enforcement Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Tuition Grant Program
The goals of the Law Enforcement Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Tuition Grant Program as established by SB22-145 are to:
- Assist Law Enforcement Agencies in addressing workforce shortages
- Improve the training given to POST certified Peace Officers
- Improve relationships between Law Enforcement and impacted communities
More Information and Funding Announcement
Project Application DEADLINE: Closed
- Crime Prevention through Safer Streets Grant Program
The Crime Prevention through Safer Streets Grant Program is a funding opportunity offered through the Office of Adult and Juvenile Assistance (OAJJA) for fiscal year 2023.
The goal of the Crime Prevention through Safer Streets Grant Program is to allow the department and local governments to evaluate and design safer streets and neighborhood models that discourage crime, revitalize community image, and establish place-specific crime prevention strategies that account for geographic, cultural, economic, and social characteristics of the target areas.
Resource: SB22-001 Crime Prevention through Safer Streets Utilizing Design Management Strategies
Project Application DEADLINE: March 1, 2024
SB22-196 Health Needs of Persons in Criminal Justice System
Key Information
- Summary: Creates the behavioral health information and data sharing program to award grants to counties to integrate the county jails' data systems with the Colorado integrated criminal justice information system. The division is required to enter into an agreement with a third-party vendor to oversee the implementation of any data-sharing systems or software necessary for the program. The majority of the funds are American Rescue Plan Act Funds and must be spent according to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
- Funding Level: $1,547,748
- Learn more: Behavioral Health Information and Data Sharing Grant Program
Application Review Committee
The application review committee reviews each grant application to ensure that each proposed project has justifiable costs and includes plans to use technology that meets state standards, and that all data exchange requirements will be added to the applicant's jail management system, as defined in section 17-26-118.
SB22-145 State's Mission for Assistance in Recruiting and Training (SMART) Grant Program
Key Information on Grant Program
- Summary: The goal of the State’s Mission for Assistance in Recruiting and Training (SMART) Grant Program is to provide grants to law enforcement agencies to increase the number of P.O.S.T.-certified and non-certified law enforcement officers who are representative of the communities they serve and to provide training for those additional law enforcement officers.
- Funding Level: $3,091,034
Where 20% must go to Law Enforcement Agencies in rural counties and municipalities with a population of fewer than 50,000 persons, wholly located either east of Interstate 25 or west of the continental divide.
If future funding becomes available, continuation requests for salary and benefits may be reduced on a declining basis in subsequent years. - Project Application DEADLINE: April 19, 2024
- Award period: October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025
- Learn More: State’s Mission for Assistance in Recruiting and Training (SMART) Grant Program
Law Enforcement Workforce Advisory Committee
- Role: Reviews grant proposals and provide recommendations for the Law Enforcement Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Tuition Grant Program
- Members: 11 multidisciplinary experts and community representatives as described in the bill
- Funding Conference Meeting: October 21, 2022
Please note: This is a short-term commitment and includes reviewing applications, attending a virtual training, attending a funding conference, and providing funding recommendations.
SB22-001 Crime Prevention through Safer Streets Grant Program
Key Information
- Summary: Local governmental agencies will identify areas where crime is prevalent and use Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), a multi-disciplinary approach to crime prevention that uses urban and architectural design.
- Funding Level: $3,754,944
- Project Application Due Date: March 1, 2024
Award Period: July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026 - Learn More: Crime Prevention through Safer Streets Grant Program
Crime Prevention Advisory Committee
- Role: Reviews grant proposals and provides recommendations
- Members: 11 multidisciplinary experts and community representatives as described in the bill
HB22-1326 Fentanyl Accountability and Prevention
Key Information
- Summary: Creates a grant program to fund investigations by law enforcement
- Funding Level: $6,900,000
Grant Program
- Project Application Closed: January 6, 2023
- Award Period: March 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
- Learn More: Synthetic Opiate Poisoning Investigation and Distribution Interdiction Grant Program
SB22-145 Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program
Key Information on Grant Program
- Summary: The goal of the Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program is to support community-based, multidisciplinary approaches to crime prevention and crisis intervention strategies, specifically in areas where crime is disproportionately high.
- Funding Level: $14,468,000
Not less than $5 million dollars must be awarded in total to:
Law enforcement agencies, including tribal law enforcement agencies; or
County and municipal governments, including local health or human service agencies.
Not less than $5 million dollars shall be awarded in total to:
- Community-Based Organizations
The Division may award grants from the remaining money after the above requirements are met. Preference shall be given to applications in which two or more eligible entities collaborated.
The Division of Criminal Justice may allow up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total grant award, per fiscal year, to be used for start-up expenses necessary to implement the grants, including hiring program staff, administrative expenses, or other allowable expenses determined by the Division and documented by the applicant.
Any Advanced Payment must conform to the Office of the State Controller Fiscal rules pursuant C.R.S. 24-30-202(13), and Rule 3-1: Commitment Vouchers §9. Advanced Payments.
- Project Application Closed: October 4, 2022
- Award period: January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
- Learn More: Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program
Crime Prevention and Intervention Advisory Committee
- Role: Reviews grant proposals and provide recommendations for the Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program
- Members: 13 multidisciplinary experts and community representatives as described in the bill
- Funding Conference Meeting Dates:
- October 31, 2022
- November 1, 2022
- November 2, 2022 (half-day)
Please note: This is a short-term commitment and includes reviewing applications, attending a virtual training, attending a funding conference, and providing funding recommendations.
Key Information on Grant Program - Limited Solicitation
- Summary: The goal of the Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program - Limited Solicitation is to award grant funding to eligible recipients for collaborative processes to support community-based, Native American-led organizations and/or Native American-serving approaches to crime prevention and crisis intervention strategies, specifically in areas where crime is disproportionately high.
- Funding Level: $481,071
The Division of Criminal Justice may allow up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total grant award, per fiscal year, to be used for start-up expenses necessary to implement the grants, including hiring program staff, administrative expenses, or other allowable expenses determined by the Division and documented by the applicant. Any Advanced Payment must conform to the Office of the State Controller Fiscal rules pursuant C.R.S. 24-30-202(13), and Rule 3-1: Commitment Vouchers §9. Advanced Payments. - Project Application DEADLINE: Closed
- Award period: July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
- Learn More: Multidisciplinary Crime Prevention and Crisis Intervention Grant Program - Limited Solicitation
Crime Prevention and Intervention Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee will evaluate applications based on the following criteria:
- Which communities have the greatest need, including communities where many of these services are not available due to size or geographic location
- Applicant’s level of cultural competency, gender responsiveness, and level of representation of the individuals the applicant seeks to serve
- Level of collaboration, including partnerships between governmental agencies, Community-Based Organizations, and the community
Funding Conference Meeting Date: May 11, 2023
SB22-150 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives
Key Information
Summary: The bill establishes the office of liaison for missing and murdered indigenous relatives (office) in the department of public safety (department). The bill lists the office's duties, which include assisting with missing indigenous persons investigations and homicide cases involving indigenous victims; taking measures to address issues relating to missing or murdered indigenous persons, and providing assistance to families of victims.
Advisory Committee
A Volunteer Advisory Board will identify and advise the office on areas of concern regarding missing or murdered indigenous relatives and issues relating to organizing or conducting search efforts, support groups, or other supportive efforts related to missing or murdered indigenous relatives.
HB22-1003 Youth Delinquency Prevention and Intervention Grants
Key Information
- Summary: Establishes the delinquency prevention and young offender intervention pilot grant program in DCJ
- Funding Level: $2.1 million each year for two years, totaling $4.2 million
- Project Application Closed: September 2, 2022
- Award period: December 1, 2022 to June 30,2023 and July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
Preference given to applicants that document a coordinated response with multiple community-based partners to reduce youth involvement in the juvenile justice system. - Learn More: Delinquency Prevention and Young Offenders Intervention Pilot Grant Program
Advisory Committee
The Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Council will advise and recommend criteria to score applicants, grant priorities, and grant metrics. The Council will also review applications and make recommendations for those to be funded and the amount.
Funding Conference Meeting: October 17, 2022
SB22-145 Resources to Increase Community Safety (multiple grant programs)
SB22-145 Law Enforcement Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Tuition Grant Program
Key Information on Grant Program
- Summary: Grant program has the goals to assist Law Enforcement Agencies in addressing workforce shortages, improve the training given to POST-certified Peace Officers, and improve relationships between Law Enforcement and impacted communities
- Funding Level: $7,262,000
Where 20% must go to Law Enforcement Agencies in rural counties and municipalities with a population of fewer than 50,000 persons, wholly located either east of Interstate 25 or west of the continental divide. - Project Application Closed: September 15, 2022
- Award period: January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
- Learn More: Law Enforcement Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Tuition Grant Program
Law Enforcement Workforce Advisory Committee
- Role: Reviews grant proposals and provide recommendations for the Law Enforcement Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Tuition Grant Program
- Members: 11 multidisciplinary experts and community representatives as described in the bill
- Funding Conference Meeting: October 21, 2022
Please note: This is a short-term commitment and includes reviewing applications, attending a virtual training, attending a funding conference, and providing funding recommendations.
HB22-1368 Concerning Opportunities for Persons to Access Community Corrections Programs
Key Information
- Summary: The bill requires the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (Commission) to establish a task force to examine and make findings and recommendations to the commission concerning improving access to community corrections programs for persons convicted of misdemeanors.
- Funding Level: No additional funding.
Advisory Committee
A 13-member Task Force will make findings and recommendations to the Commission concerning access to community corrections programs for persons convicted of misdemeanors.
HB22-1274 Sunset CO Interagency Working Group on School Safety
Key Information
- Summary: The Colorado interagency working group on school safety (working group) is scheduled to repeal on September 1, 2022. The bill continues the working group indefinitely and requires the department of public safety (department) to convene the first meeting of the working group no later than December 31, 2022.
- Funding Level: $100,000
Advisory Committee:
A 14-member working group with the role of increasing coordination of school safety programs across state government and annually report to the governor and legislature will serve in this capacity.
HB22-1210 Sunset Domestic Violence Management Board
Key Information
- Summary: Implements the recommendation of the department of regulatory agencies' sunset review and report concerning the domestic violence offender management board. Extends the board until September 1, 2027. Requires the board to conduct annual compliance reviews on at least 5% least 10% of the treatment providers who provide services to domestic violence offenders every two years beginning no later than July 1, 2023.
- Funding Level: $70,232
Advisory Committee
HB22-1208 Jail Data Collection Clean-up
Key Information
- Summary: Under existing law, the keeper of a jail is required to submit a quarterly report of inmate information to the division of criminal justice within the department of public safety (division), and the division is required to publish that information in a searchable and sortable format. That requirement is set to repeal on January 31, 2023. The bill strikes the repeal. The bill requires the inmate information collected to include each inmate's age.
- Funding Level: $4,918