Juvenile Formula/Title II Grant Program

Purpose of the Funds:

The purpose of these funds is to assist communities in local efforts designed to enhance or respond to a variety of juvenile justice and delinquency issues. The fund is managed by the Governor-appointed Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Council, which establishes funding priorities. The monies are used for program development, policy design, research, and other activities.

Eligibility & Requirements:

Applicants include units of local government (including law enforcement, district attorneys, and judicial districts), state agencies, and non-profit/local private community-based agencies.*

*Non-profit/local private agency applicants must provide documentation that the program being proposed was denied full funding or was given partial funding by a unit of local government, prior to the submission of this application.

Solicitation Schedule:

Check the OAJJA web site periodically for information regarding the release of a Competitive Announcement of Available Funds.

Please note: The JJDP Council and DCJ will not accept unsolicited proposals unless they meet the criteria for a request for emergency funding or request for Council sponsorship of conferences/trainings. An unsolicited proposal is one that has not been requested through the solicitation process used by the JJDP Council and/or is not related to the yearly priorities set by the Council in their annual planning process.

Emergency Funding

Funding may be made available to grant applicants under circumstances in which current funding of existing programs is discontinued or reduced through no fault of the applicant. Projects terminated mid-cycle by their current funding source for issues related to failure to perform are not eligible for emergency funding. Emergency funding will not be restricted by any uniform time constraints, but a time-limited grant will be considered by the Council on a case-by-case basis. The project under consideration must match the Council's current funding priorities and reflect an emergency that the applicant cannot control. Priority consideration will be given when the lack of funding will result in youth being served in a more restrictive or costly environment.

Requirements for Consideration:

  • Unallocated funds are available
  • The emergency was beyond the control of the agency
  • The funding request is reasonable and the submitted budget reflects prudent planning
  • The requested funding is for the purpose of continuing a vital community service or activity directed at juveniles involved in or at high risk of involvement in the juvenile justice system
  • The requesting entity has articulated a clear plan to obtain funding for continuation after emergency/bridge funding ends
  • The budget (including requested funds) is adequate to meet stated objectives

Submission Process:

  • A letter addressing the above criteria, including the budget, must be sent to the Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance (OAJJA), Division of Criminal Justice, 700 Kipling, Ste. 100, Denver, CO 80215, emailed to kristy.wilson@state.co.us, or faxed to 303-239-4491 ATTN: OAJJA.
  • OAJJA staff will review all unsolicited requests against these criteria to determine whether the request will be presented to the full JJDP Council for consideration.

Sponsorship of Conferences & Trainings

Funding may be available outside of the regular submission process for conferences and trainings sponsored by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Council. If you have an upcoming training or conference that you feel may be eligible for sponsorship, please read the requirements below and submit your request at least 60 days prior to the event.

Requirements for Consideration:

  • Funds are available
  • The training/conference focuses on,youth in or at risk of involvement in the juvenile justice system
  • The training/conference will show capacity-building of Juvenile Justice Professionals, community-based youth-service workers, and/or youth involved in or at risk of involvement in the juvenile justice system
  • The training/conference has direct juvenile justice system improvement impact or relates to the Council's priorities
  • Requestor must provide the full budget necessary for the conference showing all supporting resources and explain the gap in funding that the request will fill
  • Request for sponsorship must be submitted at least 60 days in advance of the event
  • Requestor must acknowledge the support of the JJDP Council, the support of the Division of Criminal Justice, and must cite the federal fund source in printed conference material

Submission Process:

A written request describing the event and responding to the above criteria must be submitted by mail or e-mail to DCJ for presentation to the Council Executive Committee for approval.

Staff Contact Information

Kelly Abbott
Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, OAJJA
700 Kipling St. Denver, CO 80215
Direct: 303-239-5717
Toll Free: 800-201-1325
Fax: 303.239.4491
E-mail: kelly.abbott@state.co.us