ORS: Dashboards

The Office of Research and Statistics (ORS) reports on a variety of topics related to aspects of the criminal justice system. Data related to these topics are offered in the form of "dashboards" (graphical displays) and/or text based reports. Many of these displays are interactive, allowing the viewer to customize the information. Brief descriptions are offered below with a button link to view background information and the related dashboard for each topic.


Crime & Policing

Displays several interactive dashboards, including the Colorado population, crime rates statewide and by county, arrest rates by county, case filings by court type, and law enforcement contacts with suspects and use of force data.

Crime & Policing

Jail & Corrections

Displays data related to jails, community corrections, projected and current prison populations and recidivism.

Jail & Corrections

Racial & Ethnic Disparity

Displays an interactive dashboard of juveniles by judicial district, by race/ethnicity and by year (JDPP Act). Dashboards also present adult and juvenile data by race/ethnicity for arrests, summons, court filings, sentences and supervision revocations (CLEAR Act).

Racial & Ethnic Disparity



Displays a variety of data elements from the Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol Report. Trends presented include: impaired driving court cases, drug toxicology results, and assessments of individuals convicted of DUI in Colorado.

Driving Under the Influence

Marijuana Impacts

Displays a variety of data related to the impact of recreational marijuana legalization on public safety in Colorado. Dashboards include displays of offenses, arrests, court filings, marijuana seizures and drug testing.

Marijuana Impacts

CJ Contact with Students

Displays available data reported by schools, courts and law enforcement regarding criminal justice (CJ) contacts with Colorado students. Such "contacts" include, arrests, summons, or tickets for offenses occurring at schools or school-related settings.

CJ Contact with Students