ORS: Dashboard-Marijuana Impacts

The Office of Research and Statistics (ORS) studies the impact of the legalization of recreational marijuana on various aspects of public safety pursuant to 24-33.5-516, C.R.S. Study outcomes are provided in reports every two years and in interactive dashboards.

Reports (pdf files)
2021 Impact of Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado (2021)
2012-2017 Impact of Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado (2018)
2014 Impact of Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado (2016)
(see also 2014 Supplemental Data Tables)

Related Reports (pdf files)
CY 2021 Driving under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol (2024)
CY 2020 Driving under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol (2023)
CY 2019 Driving under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol (2022)
CY 2018 Driving under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol (2020)
         DUI in Colorado - One-page infographic (2020)
CY 2017 Driving under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol (2019)
CY 2016 Driving under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol (2018)

Dashboards (Under revision!)

Under revisionOffenses and arrests recorded by the Colorado Bureau of Investigations, National Incident-Based Reporting System, Court Filings recorded by the Colorado State Judicial Branch.
Under revisionDriving Under the Influence data recorded by the Colorado State Patrol, Denver Police Department, and Aurora Police Department.
Under revisionMarijuana seizures by law enforcement by incident locations and marijuana seizures on Colorado public lands.
Under revisionResults from drug tests of probationers provided by the Division Probation Services.


Additional Resources

From the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment:

From the Colorado Department of Revenue

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