ORS: Dashboard-Driving Under the Influence

The Office of Research and Statistics (ORS) offers several Driving Under the Influence (DUI) interactive dashboards (see button links below) to display a variety of data elements derived from, Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol: A Report Pursuant to House Bill 17-1315.

Arrests      Drug Toxicology     Court Filings

Court Findings     Convictions and Assessments     Sentencing


The DUI Report, pursuant to 24-33.5-520, C.R.S., summarizes Colorado trends involving impaired driving court cases, drug toxicology results, and assessments of individuals convicted of a DUI offense. The data sources for this information are provided below.

For additional information on the data analysis methods, limitations of data analysis, and interpretations of trends, please see the current and all previous reports (starting in 2018) under the title, Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol, at ORS Reports

Dashboards display DUI data from six separate points in the criminal justice system process (represented in the buttons above and linkable image at right): Arrests, Drug Toxicology, Court Filings, Court Findings, Convictions & Assessments, and Sentencing.

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DUI Flowchart with corresponding dashboards linksDUI ArrestsDUI Drug ToxicologyDUI Court FilingsDUI Court FindingsDUI Convictions & AssessmentsDUI Sentencing

The Office of Research and Statistics performed the analyses presented in these dashboards using data from the following agencies:

Agency that Contributed DataData Source
Colorado Bureau of Investigation, Crime Information Management UnitCBI: Arrests
Chematox Laboratories, IncChemaTox: Toxicology Reports for Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse
Colorado Bureau of Investigation, Toxicology Services (CBI)CBI: Toxicology Reports for Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse
Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment, Laboratory Services Division (CDPHE)CDPHE: Toxicology Reports for Alcohol
Denver Police Department, Denver Crime LabDPD: Toxicology Reports for Alcohol
Colorado State Judicial BranchDistrict and County Court Filings (excluding Denver County)
Denver County CourtDenver County Court Filings
Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH)Assessments used in DUI treatment services