ORS: Jails and Corrections-Community Corrections

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The Office of Research and Statistics (ORS) provides displays of a variety of data for all residential community corrections and include clients who participated in residential therapeutic community (TC) programs. Interactive dashboard and information are provided at the button link below. Where available, the data underlying each interactive display is available for download.

Please see below the "Data Notes" regarding the data displays and the "Overview," which provides a brief background on community corrections in Colorado. Comprehensive information about community corrections in Colorado can be found at the DCJ: Office of Community Corrections

Community Corrections: Dashboards

Residential Community Corrections

Community Corrections: Data Notes

These data:
- do not include information on individuals who participated in Short Term Residential or Intensive Residential Treatment (IRT),
- may differ from those presented elsewhere (e.g., reports from the Division of Criminal Justice: Office of Community Corrections) because cases may be grouped differently, 
- exclude "other" terminations (e.g., transfers), and 
- do not include programs that have ceased operation since FY 2000. If a program did not exist in the year selected, no chart will appear.

Community Corrections: Overview

Community Corrections in Colorado is a system of over 30 specific facilities/programs that provide both residential and non-residential services to convicted adults. Although these facilities receive state funds, they are located and managed by local communities. Offenders are required to pay a subsistence fee to the program of up to $17 per day.

Community corrections serve as an intermediate sanction for individuals both "halfway in" and "halfway out" of prison. For "Diversion clients," it is often a last chance before being sent to prison, providing community-based housing and supervision in lieu of incarceration. For "Transition clients," it is meant to help individuals move from prison to the community by providing this same community-based supervision. This system provides individuals with access to community-based services while monitoring behavior. Clients are required to pay fines, victim compensation, child support, and restitution. Other methods of accountability include curfew requirements, electronic monitoring, random substance abuse screening, and participation in treatment/services. In addition, offenders are required to become familiar with the local transportation system as they are not typically allowed to drive.

The availability of close supervision and structure allows for problem behaviors to be identified and responded to quickly. Generally, new crime rates are low for individuals living in community corrections facilities, although revocation rates for technical violations and curfew violations increase under intense supervision. However, multiple instances of program violations are usually required before transition clients are returned to prison or diversion clients are returned to court for a new placement. These violations include but are not limited to absconding, drug use, repeated house rule violations, and/or committing a new crime.

Statute requires the creation of a community corrections board in each judicial district that has a facility/program. Board members are appointed by the respective county commissioners. Community corrections boards are typically composed of criminal justice professionals as well as citizen members. Board members screen program referrals and oversee the operation of facilities within their jurisdiction. Some county governments control their own community corrections facilities while other local boards contract with private facilities. It should be noted that even if the local board approves the placement of an individual in the local community corrections facility, the program director has authority to deny admittance. Thus, there are multiple steps in the admission process.

Agents from the DOC Division of Adult Parole and Community Corrections assist community corrections case management staff in supervising Transition offenders. Transition clients who successfully complete community corrections and are paroled by the Colorado State Board of Parole typically are placed on Intensive Supervision Parole. Diversion clients that have completed the residential portion of their community corrections sentence are sometimes moved to a non-residential program where services are continued (non-residential placement is not available for Transition clients). Non-residential programs enable individuals to continue receiving services until their sentence is complete. 

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