Office for Victims Programs (OVP)


Be a trusted resource for crime victims/survivors, service providers, and agencies, and a catalyst for improving the delivery of and access to services for victims/survivors in Colorado.


To support victims/survivors, communities, service providers, and agencies using our diverse expertise and backgrounds by:

  • Serving as good stewards in the dissemination of public funds;
  • Bridging the gap between victims/survivors and the criminal justice system, helping them navigate its complexities while promoting fairness and justice;
  • Training across multiple sectors to strengthen the capabilities of agencies;
  • Collaborating with communities, policy makers, and stakeholders to enhance the response to victims/survivors of crime;
  • Influencing public policy that prioritizes victims’ rights, safety, and healing.

For general inquiries, please email cdps.ovpconnect@state.co.us or call 303-239-5719.

Current Events in Crime Victim Services

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 33% of women, 25% of men, and 50% of LGBTQ+ people will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes. Join the Division of Criminal Justice Office for Victims Programs in raising awareness about domestic violence, supporting the victims/survivors, and celebrating the work of victim advocates across our state. Here are just a few of the ways you can get involved:

  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline published an article titled Four Ways to Help Survivors Heal.
  • President Joe Biden issued a presidential proclamation in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month
  • Attend the art exhibition titled VOICES Survivor Advocacy Network's GET LOUD! from October 24 to November 30 at the Rose Andom Center, 1330 Fox Street, Denver, CO, 80204.
  • Learn more about the Domestic Violence Awareness Project.
  • October 17 is known as Purple Thursday. Show support for Domestic Violence Awareness Month by wearing the color purple and share your pictures with us on our social media account using the hashtags #DVAM2024, #HealHoldCenter, and #Every1KnowsSome1..


Crime Victims Fund Update

VOCA Funding Factsheets by Colorado County and Statewide

In an effort to illustrate how Federal VOCA cuts might impact various programs and counties within the state, the OVP staff have created one page factsheets that provide data on the current programs funded by county, the number of victims served, the number of services provided, and the top three reported victimizations. There is also an information sheet for those agencies that provide statewide services. If you have any questions regarding VOCA or the information sheets you can contact OVP staff at cvsgrants@state.co.us.