Crime Victim Services (CVS) Funds
Crime Victim Services (CVS) Funds refers to the multiple funding sources administered by the Office for Victims Programs through a competitive, consolidated funding process. Funding decisions are made by the Crime Victim Services Advisory Board (CVSAB) traditionally every two years. CVS Funds are comprised of 3 (sometimes 4) funding sources:
- Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
- S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
- Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP)
- General Funds (state dollars)
- Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
Allocation Requirements:
- A minimum of ten percent (10%) must be allocated to each of the following categories:
- Child Abuse (Physical or Sexual)
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Sexual Assault (Child or Adult)
- Underserved Victims of Violent Crime (type of crime or demographic characteristics)
- Provides funding for direct services for victims of crime.
Victimizations Served:
- Click Here for a Full List of Eligible VOCA Crime Types
Ages Served:
- Any age
Additional Eligibility Requirements:
- Have a history of providing victim services (at least two years) or have substantial funding from non-VOCA sources (e.g. VOCA funds cannot represent more than 75% of an agency’s budget)
- Must use volunteers in some manner
- Cannot be for-profit organization or individual
- Must assist victims with applying for or accessing Crime Victim Compensation
Types of Projects/Services Funded
These lists do not include every type of eligible service and some service types may have additional requirements.- Direct victim services, including:
- Crisis intervention
- Emergency services
- Counseling
- Legal advocacy
- Criminal justice and court support
- Training and coordination of volunteers who provide direct services to crime victim
Allowable/Unallowable Costs
These lists do not include all unallowable costs/activities.- Allowable: Personnel providing eligible services, project-related operating costs associated with eligible services, eligible services skills training, supervision of project-related staff and activities, well-justified travel, and professional services/consultants providing eligible services, supplies, and equipment.
- Unallowable: Lobbying, fundraising, most food and refreshments, most Victim Compensation eligible costs, most medical costs other than SANE exams and those listed in the VOCA Assistance rule, property loss, and inherently religious activities.
Match Requirements:
- A 20% or 25% cash or in-kind match is required for all grant recipients.
- The match requirement has been waived for VOCA recipients for both the 2023-2024 and 2025 grant cycles. VOCA recipients do have the right to not accept the match waiver, but should contact our staff first before providing it. View the VOCA Match Waiver Policy for more information.
View the CY23-24 VOCA Awards List
During the CY23-24 funding cycle, ARPA funds were distributed to help mitigate the impact of cuts to VOCA funding.
View the CY23-24 ARPA Awards List
To request an awards list from a prior funding cycle, please email
- A minimum of ten percent (10%) must be allocated to each of the following categories:
- S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Allocation Requirements
- 25% For Prosecution
- 25% For Law Enforcement
- 5% To Courts (Pass-through non-competitive funding)
- 30% For Victim Services (10% for culturally-specific programs)
- 15% Discretionary Projects (max 5% for prevention projects)
- Assists projects that seek to develop and strengthen effective responses to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.
Victimizations Served
- Domestic violence
- Dating violence
- Sexual assault
- Stalking
Ages Served
- 11 and older
Additional Eligibility Requirements
- Must fulfill one of the 20 STOP Purpose Areas
- Cannot be for-profit organization or individual
Types of Projects/Services Funded
These lists do not include every type of eligible service and some service types may have additional requirements.- Direct victim services
- Investigation and prosecution of VAWA crimes
- Comprehensive training projects
- Specialized units
- Multidisciplinary teams
- Education/Prevention projects
- Batterers Intervention Programs
Allowable/Unallowable Costs
These lists do not include all unallowable costs/activities.- Allowable: Personnel providing eligible services, project-related operating costs associated with eligible services, eligible services skills training, supervision of project-related staff and activities, well-justified travel, and professional services/consultants providing eligible services, supplies, and equipment.
- Unallowable: Lobbying, fundraising, most food and refreshments, most medical costs other than SANE exams, property loss, and inherently religious activities.
Match Requirements
- 25% of the total VAWA project budget in non-federal matching funds (can include in-kind and cash sources)
- Tribes and nonprofit victim service providers are exempt from match
View the CY23-24 VAWA Awards List
To request an awards list from a prior funding cycle, please email
- Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP)
Allocation Requirements
- 100% Sexual Assault
- Dedicated to the provision of direct intervention and related assistance for victims of sexual assault.
Victimizations Served
- Sexual assault
Ages Served
- Must be able to serve all ages
Additional Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a nonprofit organization
- Must be able to serve all ages
Types of Projects/Services Funded
These lists do not include every type of eligible service and some service types may have additional requirements.- Direct services for all ages of sexual assault victims, including:
- Intervention
- Advocacy
- Support services
- Accompaniment (i.e. accompanying victims to court, medical facilities, etc.)
- Related assistance to sexual assault survivors and those impacted by the crime
Allowable/Unallowable Costs
These lists do not include all unallowable costs/activities.- Allowable: Personnel providing eligible services, project-related operating costs associated with eligible services, emergency financial assistance, eligible services skills training, supervision of project-related staff and activities, well-justified travel, and professional services/consultants providing eligible services, and supplies.
- Unallowable: Lobbying, fundraising, most food and refreshments, most Victim Compensation eligible costs, domestic violence services, sexual assault forensic exams/projects, SANE exams/projects, SART coordination, criminal justice activities, perpetrator services, property loss, and inherently religious activities.
Match Requirements
- No match requirement
View the CY23-24 SASP Awards List
To request an awards list from a prior funding cycle, please email
- General Funds (state dollars)
Allocation Requirements
- General Fund does not have allocation requirements.
- Funding to governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations that provide services for crime victims. A grant award may be used to enhance or provide services for crime victims.
Victimizations Served
- All crime victim types
Ages Served
- All ages
Additional Eligibility Requirements
- Subject to state rules
Types of Projects/Services Funded
These lists do not include every type of eligible service and some service types may have additional requirements.- Crisis intervention
- Emergency services
- Counseling
- Legal advocacy
- Criminal justice and court support
- Training and coordination of volunteers who provide direct services to crime victims
- Relocation
- Mass tragedy response
Allowable/Unallowable Costs
These lists do not include all unallowable costs/activities.- Allowable: Personnel providing eligible services, project-related operating costs associated with eligible services, eligible services skills training, supervision of project-related staff and activities, well-justified travel, and professional services/consultants providing eligible services, supplies, and equipment.
- Unallowable: Lobbying, fundraising, most food and refreshments, most Victim Compensation eligible costs, most medical costs other than SANE exams,property loss, and inherently religious activities.
Match Requirements
- No match requirement
View the CY23-24 GF Awards List
To request an awards list from a prior funding cycle, please email
State Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (State VALE)
State Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (State VALE) funds are administered by the Office for Victims Programs. A portion of these funds are awarded through a competitive process. Funding decisions are made by the Crime Victim Services Advisory Board (CVSAB) annually.
- State VALE
Allocation Requirements
- State VALE does not have specific allocation requirements.
- Funding for programs that implement statutory rights for crime victims and/or coordinate or provide services to crime victims on a statewide, multi-jurisdictional or multi-regional basis. All applicants must demonstrate that project activities will benefit the entire state or multiple regions in Colorado.
Purpose Areas
- Funds are distributed to programs who lead the coordination, planning and implementation efforts for:
- Victim service training series initiatives
- Statewide Victim Services-related conferences
Eligible Agencies
- Eligible applicants include not for profit organizations; state agencies, tribal government and local government agencies.
Eligible Projects
- Organizations are eligible for funding if the proposed project enhances statewide victim services conferences and/or training series for victim services professionals in Colorado. Requests should be designed to strengthen and build capacity of victim services professionals and providers across the state to respond effectively to victims of crime.
Allowable/Unallowable Costs Allowable*:
- Personnel providing eligible services, project-related operating costs associated with eligible services, supervision of project-related staff and activities, well-justified travel, and professional services/consultants providing eligible services, supplies, and equipment.
- Unallowable: Lobbying, fundraising, and research projects. While food and refreshments are not explicitly unallowable, these expenses are not typically prioritized.
Match Requirements
- There are no match requirements for State VALE Funds
*These lists do not include all unallowable costs/activities.
View the FY25 State VALE Awards List
To request an awards list from a prior funding cycle, please email