OVP: Victim And Survivor Training For Judicial Personnel Task Force

About the Task Force & Final Report


HB23-1108 created the Victim and Survivor Training for Judicial Personnel Task Force and a Domestic Relations Working group.  Members were appointed in July and the Task Force met monthly through January 2024.  The Task Force consisted of members who have experience representing or working with victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or other violent crimes; or are members of the judicial community.

The Task Force was required to analyze the current training provided to judicial personnel (judges and magistrates) in Colorado and around the country on the topics of domestic violence, sexual assault, other violent crimes, and victim rights in order to determine best practices for training delivery and training requirements and to make a determination about any gaps that may exist.

The Task Force provided its report to the House Judiciary Committee, the Senate Judiciary Committee, their successor committees, and the Judicial Department on February 1, 2024.  The recommendations contained in the report had to be approved by a majority of the Task Force members.  The report also contains the additional report from the Domestic Relations Working Group which was required to bring forth recommendations to the full Task Force for consideration and approval by November 2023.

The Task Force report is a reflection of the collaborative work done by the Task Force and the working groups and it sets forth some helpful recommendations for judicial education moving forward. 

Meeting Details


Legislative Appointments


Task Force Members

Statewide Representative that serves Domestic Violence Victims
Roshan Kalantar 
Violence Free Colorado

Statewide Rep. that supports Victims (not DV or SA)
Courtney Sutton 

Rep. providing Legal Services to Victims
Emily Tofte Nestaval
Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center

Family Law Attorney
Chris Radeff
Radeff and Hart, PC

Rep. of Culturally Specific Organization working with DV or Sexual Assault Victims
Briana Geter
Kingdom Builders

Statewide Rep. that serves Sexual Assault Victims
Gina Lopez

Representative of a Family Justice Center
Margaret Abrams 
Rose Andom Center

Rep. of a statewide Organization that treats children who are victims of DV and provide expertise on child abuse
Steven Berkowitz, MD 
Kempe Center

Private criminal defense attorney w/ experience representing victims of DV or Sexual Assault
Dalia Labrador

Rep. of the Office of the State Public Defender w/ experience representing victims of DV or Sexual Assault
Zak Brown 
Public Defender's Office

A State Court Judge
Hon. Michelle Amico 
Judicial Office

An Individual Other than a Judge who is court personnel
Jennifer Mendoza
Judicial Office

A District Court Judge with experience in Domestic Matters
Hon. Jill Brady 
Judicial Office

A County Court Judge
Hon. Kolony Fields
Judicial Office

A Judge from a rural County
Hon. Valarie Robison 
Judicial Office

Prosecutor (non voting member)
Christine Rinke
20th Judicial District Attorney's Office

Domestic Relations Working Group

Working Group Chair
Chris Radeff
Radeff and Hart, PC

Mental Health Professional with Dispute resolution in Domestic Relations
Dr. Kate McNamara
Private Practice

Family Law Attorney
Ann Gushurst
JAMS Dispute Resolution Systems

Family Law Attorney
Rajesh Kukreja

Financial Professional with Dispute resolution in Domestic Relations
Sandi Gumeson
Well Spring Divorce

The Chief Justice or his designee
Hon. Jill Brady
4th Judicial District Attorney's Office