ODVSOM: The Office of Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management


Our Mission

The Office of Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management (ODVSOM) is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of practice for the treatment, evaluation, and supervision of individuals who commit domestic violence and sexual offenses. We believe that by enhancing victim and community safety, promoting offender accountability, providing individuals with the opportunities to rehabilitate and preventing violent and sexually assaultive behavior, we can make a positive difference for victims, offenders, families, and communities. Safeguarding communities through evidence-based treatment is our priority and in the collective effort to break the cycles of domestic violence and sexual abuse.


Domestic Violence Offender Management Board

DVOMB Homepage

Board Members


Training Center

Staff Contact

Sex Offender Management Board

SOMB Homepage

Board Members


Training Center

Staff Contact

General Information


Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Center

Email SOMB Support or DVOMB Support for assistance with The Provider Data Management System (PDMS), the provider list, general inquiries, etc.

Email ODVSOM Training Support for assistance with training, certificates, conference information.