The Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) consists of members representing the following domains:
The Department of Corrections, the Judicial Department, law enforcement, the Public Defender's Office, private criminal defense attorneys, rural and urban County Commissioners, clinical polygraph examiners, the Division of Youth Services Representative, Department of Public Safety, District Attorneys, the Department of Human Services, licensed mental health professionals with expertise in treating sex offenders, the victim services community, the Department of Education, and community corrections.
These members also participate in SOMB Committees
Kimberly Kline
(08/26/2023 - 08/26/2027)
Mental Health Professional Representative
Katie Abeyta
(11/03/2024 - 11/03/2028)
Victim's Representative
Norma Aguilar-Dave
(07/01/2024 - 07/01/2028)
Out-of-Home Placement Representative
Dr. Carl Blake
(07/18/2024 - 07/18/2028)
Division of Youth Services Representative
Casey Ballinger
(04/04/2022 - 04/04/2026)
Victim's Representative
Jessica Dotter
(08/05/2021 - 08/05/2025)
District Attorney Representative
Katie Ruske
(01/06/2025 - 01/06/2029)
Department of Public Safety Representative
Jason Lamprecht
(06/17/2022 - 06/17/2026)
Public Defender Representative
Community Corrections Representative
Mike Knotek
(02/06/2023 - 02/06/2027)
Polygraph Examiner Representative
Michelle Simmons
(09/02/2024 - 09/02/2028)
Victim Advocate Representative
Theresa Weiss
(02/20/21 - 02/21/2025)
Mental Health Professional Representative
Lisa Mayer
(01/01/2023 - 01/01/2027)
Division of Child Welfare Representative
Amanda Retting
(01/01/2023 - 01/01/2027)
Department of Corrections Representative
Judge Priscilla J. Loew
(07/24/2023 - 07/24/2027)
Juvenile Judge Representative
Judge Andrew Luxen
(05/01/2024 - 05/01/2028)
District Court Representative
Taber Powers
(05/10/2022 - 05/10/2026)
Mental Health Professional Representative
Detective David Bourgeois
(01/21/2023 - 01/21/2027)
Law Enforcement Representative
Jeff Baker
(05/11/2023 - 05/11/2027)
Urban County Commissioner Representative
Sarah Croog
(08/22/2022 - 08/22/2026)
Private Defense Bar Representative
Nicole Feltz
(01/28/2022 - 01/28/2026)
Judicial Department Representative
County Director of Human Services Representative
Rural County Commissioner Representative
Allie Miller
(10/02/2024 - 10/02/2028)
Department of Education Representative
Lauren Rivas
(03/10/2025 - 03/10/2029)
Mental Health Professional Representative