What is the Victim Rights Act (VRA)?
What is the Victim Rights Act (VRA)?
The Victim Rights Act (VRA) in Colorado ensures that crime victims are treated with fairness, respect, dignity and that they are free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse. The VRA also helps to ensure that victims are informed of critical stages of the criminal justice process and that they may be present for, and heard, at certain stages as well. For more information or questions, contact Kim Branham by email kim.branham@state.co.us or 303-239-5719.
What are my rights as a crime victim?
Colorado law guarantees certain rights for victims. See crimes that fall under the Victim Rights Act for a full listing of these rights. The statutes also outline the responsibilities of criminal justice agencies and provides a way for victims to file a complaint if they believe an agency has failed to uphold their victims' rights. Read more about the Victims' Rights Act in the Colorado Crime Victim Rights Brochure.
- VRA Brochures in Other Languages
- Derechos de las Víctimas de Crímenes en Colorado (Spanish)
- Права Потерпевших от Преступлений в Колорадо (Russian)
- 콜로라도 범죄피해자의 권리 (Korean)
- Quyền của Nạn Nhân Tội Phạm Colorado (Vietnamese)
- 科州犯罪受害人 权利! (Chinese)
- Rechte von Verbrechensopfern in Colorado (German)
Statewide Agencies
Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance
- Robert Fallbeck, Executive Director
- 303-861-1160
Colorado VINE Program Manager
- Mr. Robert Branham, County Sheriffs of Colorado
- 720-344-4608
- RBranham@csoc.org
Office of the Attorney General
- Karla Danes, Victim/witness Services Specialist
- Department of Law, Criminal Justice Section, VA Unit
- 720-508-6493
- Karla.danes@coag.gov
Division of Probation Services
- Richelle Work, Office of the State Court Administrator
- 720-625-5769
- richelle.work@judicial.state.co.us
Department of Corrections & Parole
- Ms. Amanda Hollander, Victim Services Coordinator
- 800-866-7688 (toll free)
- 719-226-4786
- amanda.hollander@state.co.us
Juvenile Parole Board
- Ms. Louanne Griffith Swanson, Victim Services Coordinator
- 303-524-5295
- louanne.griffith@state.co.us
Division of Youth Services
- Mr. Spiro Koinis, Victim Services/RCJ Coordinator
- 303-866-7852
- spiro.koinis@state.co.us
Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo
- Ms. Susan Province, NGRI Coordinator/Duty to Warn & Protect System Manager
- 719-546-4409
- Susan.province@state.co.us
Colorado Bureau of Investigation, Identity Theft, Fraud and Cyber Crimes Victim Support
- CBI 24 Hour Identity Theft & Fraud Hotline
- 1-855-443-3489 (toll free)
- Victim Assistance Program: (English and Spanish)
- 303-239-4242
- CBI.StopIDTheft@state.co.us
Division of Criminal Justice
- Ms. Kim Branham, Victim Rights Act Specialist
- 303-239-4497
- kim.branham@state.co.us
- Ms. Kelly Kissell, Division of Criminal Justice
- 303-239-4437
- kelly.kissell@state.co.us
Contact Information for Local District Attorneys Office
Being a victim of a crime and experiencing the court system can be difficult and confusing. Contact the District Attorney’s Office in the judicial district where the crime occurred and ask for a Victim Witness Specialist. A Victim Witness Specialist can provide support, information, and referrals.
1st Judicial District
(counties: Gilpin and Jefferson)
2nd Judicial District
(counties: Denver)
3rd Judicial District
(counties: Huerfano and Las Animas)
4th Judicial District
(counties: Teller and El Paso)
5th Judicial District
(counties: Eagle, Lake, Summit and Clear Creek)
6th Judicial District
(counties: La Plata, San Juan and Archuleta)
7th Judicial District
(counties: Montrose, Delta, Gunnison, San Miguel, Ouray and Hinsdale)
8th Judicial District
(counties: Jackson and Larimer)
9th Judicial District
(counties: Rio Blanco, Garfield and Pitkin)
10th Judicial District
(counties: Pueblo)
11th Judicial District
(counties: Chaffee, Park, Fremont and Custer)
12th Judicial District
(counties: Chaffee, Park, Fremont and Custer)
13th Judicial District
(counties: Morgan, Logan, Sedgwick, Phillips, Washington, Yuma and Kit Carson)
14th Judicial District
(counties: Moffat, Routt and Grand)
15th Judicial District
(counties: Cheyenne, Kiowa, Prowers and Baca)
16th Judicial District
(counties: Crowley, Otero and Bent)
17th Judicial District
(counties: Broomfield and Adams)
18th Judicial District
(counties: Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln)
19th Judicial District
(counties: Weld)
20th Judicial District
(counties: Boulder)
21st Judicial District
(counties: Mesa)
22nd Judicial District
(counties: Dolores and Montezuma)