ODVSOM: Domestic Violence Offender Management Board Core Trainings


DV 100: DVOMB & Standards Overview

This introductory training provides an overview of the Domestic Violence Offender Management Board (DVOMB), including its role, functions, and the Standards of practice for offender services. The history, impact, and need for a coordinated community response model are presented through research and case studies regarding domestic violence dynamics and interventions. Using group-based discussions and videos, this training outlines the important aspects of the DVOMB Standards and Guidelines. This includes the philosophy of offender treatment as it relates to victim and community safety, the Multi-Disciplinary Treatment Teams, and an introduction to assessing risk using the Domestic Violence Offender Risk and Needs Assessment (DVRNA). Participants will become more knowledgeable about the evidence-based practices of the Risk, Need, Responsivity (RNR) Principles and how the Standards prescribe a differential treatment model. Finally, this training will offer a brief overview of the application requirements to become listed with the DVOMB and the grievance process.

For non-providers and applicants, you can view the DV 100 using the link below. The DVOMB is no longer offering certificates for non-providers. If you are with Judicial, please log into the Judicial LMS to watch DV 100 and get in touch with them for your certificate. 

FORMAT: Online

COST: Free

AUDIENCE: This training is open to all professionals including, but not limited to, victim advocates, treatment providers, and probation

Providers please email DVOMB Training staff to watch the DV 100. Non-Providers may watch the DV 100 online

DV 101: DVRNA Training

This training provides an overview of different types of risk assessment and the importance of utilizing risk assessment practices in the forensic setting. This discussion will include how to distinguish between static and dynamic risk factors and why this is important to assessing offender progress. After a review of the research supporting the Risk, Need, and Responsivity Principles, participants will review the scoring manual of the Domestic Violence Offender Risk and Needs Assessment (DVRNA).

CEU: 7 hours

FORMAT: Online

WHEN: September 18, 2024 from 8:30 AM-3:30 PM

AUDIENCE: For DVOMB Approved Trainees, DVOMB Providers, or Treatment Victim Advocates only

Training Registration Form


DV 102: DV Offender Evaluation Training

This training will give participants the knowledge, skills, and tools for conducting domestic violence offender evaluations in accordance with the DVOMB Standards. After discussing the importance of the offender evaluation as it relates to the development of a comprehensive treatment plan, participants will go through an experiential learning process of developing an offender evaluation from start to finish. This includes how to synthesize and gather all of the necessary information and how to formulate appropriate treatment recommendations and corresponding treatment goals amongst the group.

CEU: 7 hours

FORMAT: Online

WHEN: October 1, 2024 from 8:30 AM-3:30 PM


AUDIENCE: For DVOMB Approved Trainees, DVOMB Providers, or Treatment Victim Advocates only

Training Registration Form

DV 103: DV Offender Treatment Training

This training will provide an in-depth review of domestic violence offender treatment with a focus on the requirements of the Standards and best practice modalities and concepts. After a discussion of the differences between traditional psychotherapy and forensic offense-specific therapy, this training will cover offender treatment within the context of primary and adjunct interventions, offender contracts, level of offender treatment, core competencies, and ways to measure offender progress and discharge criteria. Additionally, this training will incorporate important clinical issues to consider and the importance of the Treatment Victim Advocate throughout the therapeutic process. This training will have case examples and exercises to engage participants and provide tools for practitioners to utilize.

CEU: 7 hours

FORMAT: Online

WHEN: August 5th, 2024 from 8:30 AM-3:30 PM

PREREQUISITE: DV 100, DV 101, DV 102

AUDIENCE: For DVOMB Approved Trainees, DVOMB Providers, or Treatment Victim Advocates only

Training Registration Form


DV 200: DVOMB Community Roundtable Discussion

The DVOMB hosts Community Roundtable Discussions at locations around the state. The purpose of discussions is to improve collaboration, engagement, and the exchange of feedback between the Board and communities statewide in a safe and constructive manner. Participants come together to start a dialogue about challenges, opportunities, and ways to work together. During the afternoon, additional sessions will be offered on specialized topics.


AUDIENCE: Treatment Providers who work with the 20th judicial district, supervision officers, treatment victim advocates, and other interested professionals

Roundtable Request Form