2025 Conference Details
Save the Date: July 8-11, 2025
Registration will open Mid to Late April 2025
New Conference Name!!!
Summit in the Rockies - on Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management
Breckenridge, CO
Award Nominations are OPEN and are due May 9, 2025
Award Nomination Jotform
More Information
- Target Audience
Professionals including but not limited to: domestic violence and sex offender treatment providers, evaluators, polygraph examiners, victim therapists, victim advocates, school personnel, community supervision officers, child welfare, attorneys, judges, magistrates, and law enforcement (local, state and federal).
- Subjects of Interest
Suggested adult and juvenile topics include but are not limited to: emerging research, innovation in practice, evaluation techniques/skills, implementation of differential treatment, abuse prevention efforts, brain development, judicial decision making, multidisciplinary collaboration, technology, providing services to rural communities, diversity, legal issues and court practice, restorative justice, domestic violence and sex assault victim advocacy, supervision and management practices, trauma, treatment approaches, wellness, and working with families.
Potential Topics Based on Survey Feedback
- Treatment Specific
- Complex and Challenging Cases: Treatment and Case Planning
- Intersection of Combat Operation Stress, PTSD and Intimate Partner Violence
- Treatment and Supervision of Special Populations: juvenile female offenders, DD/ID clients, autism spectrum, transgender clients, clients in denial, etc.
- Crossover DV/SO: Process and Treatment Needs
- SOMB Treatment and DV Supportive Services Around Child Welfare
- Way to Engage Difficult Clients
- Coexistence of Substance Abuse/Trauma/DV and PTSD
- Legal or Supervision Specific
- Self-care Techniques for Professionals
- Ways to Promote Intraagency Collaboration
- Supervision in Community Corrections
- Resources for Juveniles Displaying Domestic Violence Behavior
- Preparing Offenders for Community Integration Upon Release
- Special Colorado Court Cases
- Case Review: Legal Proceeding of a DV/SO Case
- Sexting
Gary Burgin Sex Offender Management or Treatment Leadership Award
Leadership in SO Management
This award will honor a person who exhibits the attributes of effective leadership in sex offender management or treatment. This person should have respect among peers and a high level of integrity. This person should promote collaboration, and their efforts should have resulted in positive change and significant contributions to their community or the state in sex offender management or treatment. This award is appropriate for treatment providers, supervision officers, caseworkers, researchers, and other professionals responsible for sex offender management/treatment.
Who was Gary Burgin?
Gary Burgin was a probation supervisor for the 18th Judicial District Probation Department. He was a member of a number of different committees for the Domestic Violence Offender Management Board including the Domestic Violence Treatment Review Committee and assisted with the movement to a risk and need-based approach to offender treatment and supervision.
Gary passed away after a lengthy battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) on February 22, 2008.
Recent Awardees
2024 - Jeff Jenks
2023 - Dr. Stephen Brake
2022 - Missy Gursky, MA
2021 - Bob Dix, LPC
2019 - Dr. Kevin Powell
2018 - Sue Wich
2017 - S. Michael Dunlap
2016 - Steven H. Parker
Senator Norma Anderson Excellence in Victim Advocacy Award
Victim Representation
This award will honor a person who exhibits excellence, innovation, or creativity in victim representation. This person should demonstrate exceptional compassion, dedication, and commitment to victims. This award is appropriate for victim advocates and representatives, victim therapists, law enforcement, and other professionals who work with or for victims.
Who was Norma Anderson?
Norma Anderson was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives from 1981-1998 and served as Majority Leader. She was then elected to the Senate from 1999-2005 and served as Majority Leader of the Senate, becoming the first woman ever to serve as Majority Leader in both the House and the Senate. She cites one of her biggest legislative accomplishments was the Lifetime Supervision Act for individuals convicted for a sexual offense.
Recent Awardees
2024 - Wellesley Bush
2023 - Kiersten Sherman
2022 - Jean McAllister, MSW
2021 - Jennifer Eyl, JD
2019 - Mary. S Mclver
2018 - Renee Stewart
2017 - Karmen Carter
2016 - Spiro Koinis
Denise Fransua Domestic Violence Offender Management Leadership Award
Leadership in DV Management
This award will honor a person who exhibits the attributes of effective leadership in domestic violence offender management. This person should exhibit charisma, demonstrate exceptional compassion, dedication, be influential, and driven to make a difference in either reducing the occurrence of domestic violence or making a difference in the lives of victims of domestic violence. This person's efforts should have resulted in positive change and significant contributions to their community or the state in domestic violence offender management. This award is appropriate for treatment providers, supervision officers, victim advocates, law enforcement, caseworkers, and other professionals responsible for domestic violence offender management.
Who was Denise Fransua?
Denise Fransua was an amazing woman. She was always kind, willing to help everyone, and overall loved life. She was a wonderful friend, daughter, sister, and mother. Denise was a Probation Officer for the 18th J.D. Probation Department and had worked previously for the 17th J.D. Denise completed her Master's Degree and was to begin as an Adjunct Professor for the Community College of Denver in the fall of 2011.
On May 17, 2011, Denise lost her life to domestic violence. Her family and friends think of her often and miss her dearly.
Recent Awardees
2024 - Peter Di Leo
2023 - Sheila Montoya
2022 - Shawn Griffin, LPC, LAC, DVCS (Posthumously)
2021 - Ellen Stein Wallace
John Davis Lifetime Achievement Award
John Davis was the Executive Director of RSA, Inc., and a long-time SOMB adult evaluator and treatment provider. He was a pioneer in the field of sex offense-specific treatment and much of the current work being done is based on the concepts developed by John Davis. He had an illustrious history of work at the Division of Youth Services prior to starting RSA, Inc., and was recognized for his early pioneering work with youth who committed sexual offenses.
Please reach out to the Office of Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management with any questions or concerns at cdps_dcj_training@state.co.us.
Applicants will be notified of presentation acceptance or denial. Thank you for your interest in our conference, we look forward to working with you!