ODVSOM: Advanced Series Training

The ODVSOM is able to provide most training opportunities at no cost to attendees. The primary exception includes some courses offered in the Advanced Series. A fee may be charged for these courses to cover the costs of inviting a national speaker to present. 

 The LATTICES Program for High-Risk Criminal Clients

Description: What treatment is appropriate for a violent individual who is known to promote prostitution and is then caught abusing his “girlfriend?” What to do with the client who has committed theft, assault, and sex crimes? This presentation will cover the LATTICES program for high-risk offenders, co-developed by Diana Groener, MA, LPC and Jane Ward, PhD. This is a research-based psychoeducational program for adult male clients who have a history of committing sex offenses, intimate partner violence, sex trafficking, and/or other crimes of exploitation or instrumental violence. LATTICES groups can be offered in a variety of settings and agencies that address gender-based violence.

Many sections of the lecture will be interactive. The communication style in LATTICES is distinct; time will be spent reviewing and practicing various aspects of this unique approach. The LATTICES mnemonic will be taught, the curriculum will be introduced, and a typical group session will be reviewed in detail. Working with this collection of clients may be challenging: countertransference and staff burnout will be addressed, as well as the importance of staff building aspects of a resilience mindset to counteract burnout.
Grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy and incorporating the Risk-Need-Responsivity Principles of Effective Intervention, the LATTICES program gives a fresh approach to success with this difficult population.

Upon completion of this session, attendees will:

- understand some of the unique qualities of the LATTICES program

- have an appreciation for the Responsivity issues for

- antisocial/psychopathic/criminally-oriented clients

- be familiar with the concepts of Verbal Judo and Tough Compassion

Speaker Information: Diana Groener, a Licensed Professional Counselor, has worked with violent offenders of various types in outpatient settings since 1997. She has extensive experience working with both domestic violence and sexual violence offenders as well as with criminally-oriented and psychopathic offenders. She developed a treatment program for Intimate Partner Sexual Violence offenders. She is the co-author of LATTICES: An Integrated Treatment approach for High-Risk Forensic Clients. She has presented at the state and national level on a variety of topics, such as vicarious trauma, high-risk offender treatment, Internet access for sex offenders, and on multiple topics specific to domestic violence offenders.

Date: April 17, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur Street, Denver, CO  80211
Cost: $40
Audience: All DV and SO professionals working a part of the MDT/CST/MTT, as described in the SOMB and DVOMB Standards and Guidelines
Please refer to our TRAINING POLICY for more information on who may attend this training.

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