ODVSOM: Sex Offender Management Board Approved Provider Training

Bimonthly Live Trainings

Lunch & Learn!

SOMB Approved Provider Lunch & Learn Trainings are web-based one-hour bimonthly trainings hosted by the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) and the Division of Criminal Justice. They are intended to assist approved treatment providers, evaluators, and polygraph examiners under the purview of the SOMB with implementation of the Standards and provide technical assistance on specific case challenges. SOMB staff will often partner with other subject matter experts in the field for these discussions and appreciate the collaboration. 

This is an opportunity for our approved providers to:

  • Stay current with recent events at Board meetings
  • Obtain the most current information regarding changes to the Standards and Guidelines
  • Discuss implementation of those Standards and Guidelines in your community and within your teams
  • Identify challenges to your work and learn from peers 
  • Obtain technical assistance from the SOMB staff

Approved providers who attend a live Lunch & Learn Training can receive a training credit by participating in a post-training survey. If you miss the live training session, please view the information below regarding the SOMB Provider Hub.

Recorded Trainings

The Provider Hub!

The SOMB is excited to announce the SOMB Provider Hub! This website contains Lunch & Learn and Standards training recordings for SOMB Providers only. 

  • You will need to register for the Provider Hub and then you will be able to log in throughout the year to view trainings.
  • You will have to be approved before you are able to log in. 

For non-providers and applicants, you can view the standards trainings using the link below. All of the SOMB Adult & Juvenile Standards Recordings will be in this event. 

*Note: There is no set time or date for these recordings and they are available all year. 

The SOMB is no longer offering certificates on Eventbrite for non-providers. If you are with Judicial, please get in touch with them for your certificate. Please contact ODVSOM Training staff if you have any questions or if you are a provider who needs to watch the recordings.

Recorded Sessions for SOMB Standards Trainings for Non-Providers.