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Anti-Trafficking Updates


The Colorado Anti-Trafficking Insider is a newsletter published by the Division of Criminal Justice. The newsletter is intended to provide subscribers with the latest information on human trafficking, efforts to mitigate and prevent human trafficking, and provide information on the wider anti-human trafficking movement from across the state and nation.

It also provides updates of the meeting times of various regional anti-trafficking collaborations across the state, as well as training and funding opportunities available on human trafficking. Visit our sign-up form to subscribe to the newsletter.

The content of the newsletter is not an endorsement nor does it reflect the opinions, views, or affiliations of the Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice, or the Colorado Human Trafficking Council. The content included in the Colorado Anti-Trafficking Insider is intended for informational purposes only.

Colorado Anti-Trafficking Collaborations


Over the years, many groups have formed across the state to work on the issue of human trafficking. Below is a list of those collaborations. New groups are always forming, if you have formed an anti-trafficking collaboration and would like to be added, jill.brogdon@state.co.us

17th Judicial District Human Trafficking Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT)

The 17th Judicial District Human Trafficking Task Force seeks to bring together stakeholders working to end human trafficking in our county. Their meetings feature an educational component as well as updates from the various participants. The goal is to raise awareness and build trust to better serve survivors. For more information, email Jennifer Sisk at jsisk@da17.state.co.us

18th Judicial District Human Trafficking Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT)

The mission of the 18th Judicial District Human Trafficking Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) is to encourage and support collaborative efforts among professionals engaged in anti-human trafficking efforts throughout the judicial district, which encompasses the Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, and Lincoln counties. For more information, email Robert Friel at rfriel@da18.state.co.us.

Alliance to Combat Human Trafficking (ACHT) - Pueblo

The Alliance to Combat Human Trafficking – Pueblo is a coalition of more than 30 Pueblo area organizations/agencies formed in November 2013. Their mission is to raise public awareness of human trafficking and to encourage networking and partnerships with social services, medical providers, educators, prosecutors, and law-enforcement. For more information, email acht.pueblo@gmail.com.

Battlement to the Bells Anti-Trafficking Task Force (BATT)

Battlement to the Bells Anti-Trafficking Task Force (BATT) formed in 2019 on the western slope of Colorado to comprehensively respond to human trafficking from Aspen to Parachute.  BATT provides opportunities for people to become leaders by taking on projects to combat human trafficking through their experience and talent.  To learn more about the work of BATT, visit their website.

Boulder County Human Trafficking Advisory Group

Boulder County's Human Trafficking Task Force started in 2016 and is dedicated to ending juvenile sex trafficking throughout the county. Through public awareness, education, advocacy, and prosecution, this group works to eliminate juvenile sex trafficking and the harm it causes. For more information, email Christine Rinke at crinke@bouldercounty.org

BV Hope

BV HOPE was started in 2014 and educates citizens of Buena Vista to prevent trafficking in their community. Their efforts are concentrated on school-aged children and they have programs in every school in their town. They also work with adults, parents, grandparents, teachers, first responders, the Department of Human Services, and the medical community. They are expanding these efforts to other communities nearby. For more information, please contact Beth Ritchie at buenavistahope@gmail.com

Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force (CEHTT)

The Rocky Mountain Innocence Lost Task Force and Colorado Trafficking and Colorado Trafficking and Organized Crime Coalition have joined forces. Under this new task force, members will continue to address both juvenile and adult human trafficking and work with local High-Risk Youth Multi-Disciplinary Teams, and local human trafficking task forces.  To contact the CEHTT to report a tip, contact the FBI-Denver field office at 303-629-7171.

Colorado Network to End Human Trafficking (CoNEHT)

Founded in 2005, CoNEHT is a statewide collaborative of organizations that cultivate a safe and appropriate response to trafficked persons in Colorado, including comprehensive services that are sensitive to their unique needs. CoNEHT provides training on human trafficking and working with survivors; assists with victim identification; and offers referrals to emergency, legal, and social services. Since 2007, specially trained volunteer advocates answer CoNEHT’s 24/7 statewide hotline and provide vetted resources to hundreds of callers, including survivors, service providers, and community members. To learn more, email ColoradoNEHT@gmail.com

Denver Anti-Trafficking Alliance (DATA)

DATA's mission is to create a victim-centered, multidisciplinary response to human trafficking in Denver through trauma-informed victim services, collaborative investigation and prosecution, education and awareness, and public policy advocacy. Learn more by visiting their website at www.denveralliance.org

El Paso County Human Trafficking Coalition

The El Paso County Human Trafficking Coalition is a problem-solving working group comprised of over thirty organizations, and includes representatives from law enforcement agencies, victim service centers, community corrections, universities, and human service organizations. The purpose of the coalition is to increase awareness of human trafficking in El Paso County, educate service providers on current issues surrounding trafficking, and enact change within law enforcement, the courts, and criminal justice system. The coalition works from a victim centered approach and encourages the use of trauma-informed care when working with survivors. Coalition meetings are held monthly in Colorado Springs and are closed to the public. If you would like your agency represented at meetings, email the coalition at epchtc@tessacs.org

Freedom For Fremont

Freedom For Freemont started in October of 2020. Their mission is to connect survivors with local resources, and to educate the people of Fremont County about human trafficking. To learn more, please contact Sue Molitor at freedom4fremont@gmail.com

Human Trafficking Task Force of Southern Colorado

This task force formed in 2008 and has the mission to prevent labor and sex trafficking through awareness and advocacy; intervene in the human trafficking cycle through collaboration with individuals, agencies and organizations; and connect those impacted by modern-day slavery to restorative resources. To learn more, visit their website

Jefferson County Human Trafficking MDT

This multidisciplinary team works to combat sex trafficking of minors within the four P framework: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, and Partnership. Meetings are open to the public. To learn more, email Kelly Zebroski at kzebrosk@co.jefferson.co.us

Jefferson County Human Trafficking Sub-Committee

The subcommittee is a multidisciplinary team, formed in 2013, that works to combat sex trafficking of minors within the four P framework: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, and Partnership. Meetings are open to the public. To learn more, email Lindsey Jones at ljones@co.jefferson.co.us.  

Morgan County Collaborative Community Response Team

The Morgan County Collaborative Community Response Team is committed to the reduction of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking; promoting cooperation, coordination, and communication; creating a safe community environment for victims of abuse; and ensuring that abusers are held accountable for their illegal and abusive behavior. For more information, email NaTausha Ray at natausha@sarahouseco.org.

North Eastern Colorado Coalition Against Trafficking (NECCAT)

NECCAT is a collaborative effort of law enforcement and community groups to fight human trafficking. Through inter-agency communication, they strive to identify and help victims; provide community education; and advocate for needed resources. Networking with national, state and regional resources, they hope to maximize every effort to fight trafficking. To learn more, please email at weldcoalition@gmail.com.   

Western Slope Against Trafficking (WSAT)

The mission of WSAT is to create awareness and coordinate existing efforts to address human trafficking in the counties of Mesa, Delta and Montrose and nearby communities on the western slope. WSAT is comprised of representatives from multiple federal, state and county agencies, non-profits and community members devoted to the prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership framework used to address human trafficking in their region. To learn more visit their website at https://www.westernslopeagainsttrafficking.com/