Advisory Committee Membership
Depending on its priorities for the year, the Council may establish task forces, subcommittees, or working groups to help accomplish its goals.
Council members and community stakeholders who are subject matter experts on a particular issue volunteer their time to these groups and provide the Council with their recommendations and insights based on their expertise. Members of these groups are appointed by the Council Chair.
Council Archives
To view the work of the Council and the various advisory committees who met over the years, visit Meetings for an archive of past meetings The archives hosts meeting minutes, meeting agendas, and other relevant materials from the Council and its advisory committees.
2024 Advisory Committees
Data and Research Task Force
The Data and Research Task Force is reviewing the prior decade of incidence data collected by the Colorado Human Trafficking Council, reflecting on how much has been learned and what is still to come.
Training Task Force
The 2024 Training Task Force is reviewing and updating the Council's HT 101 and Law Enforcement training modules created in 2016 to bring language, images and accessibility current with today's trends in the movement.
Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Working Group
The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Working Group is a multi-year working group that was established to support the work of the Connecting Colorado project, which is funded through OVC’s Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking grant. The MDT Working Group will build upon existing promising practices, experience and expertise of MDTs into a statewide approach, distilled in a MDT Toolkit, that aims to increase identification of human trafficking of children and youth and connect them to culturally appropriate and trauma-responsive services.
2023 Advisory Committees
Education Task Force
The Education Task Force is working to examine the education system in Colorado, including availability of trainings, services, and resources related to victims and survivors of human trafficking.
Survivor Engagement Task Force
The Council established the Survivor Engagement Task Force to codify the ways in which the Council engages with the survivor community to inform the Council's work and make recommendations for how the Council can improve that engagement.
Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Working Group
The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Working Group is a multi-year working group that was established to support the work of the Connecting Colorado project, which is funded through OVC’s Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking grant. The MDT Working Group will build upon existing promising practices, experience and expertise of MDTs into a statewide approach, distilled in a MDT Toolkit, that aims to increase identification of human trafficking of children and youth and connect them to culturally appropriate and trauma-responsive services.