Registration Now Open for 2021 Colorado ODVSOM Annual Conference

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(May 18, 2021) - Registration is now open for the 2021 Colorado Domestic Violence Management and Sex Offender Management Boards annual conference. The conference will take place online July 14-16, 2021.

The fields of sex offender and domestic violence offender management and treatment continue to evolve, and this annual conference offers opportunities to learn about the latest research, and innovative approaches to treatment or supervision, as well as to obtain new skills and collaborate with others in the field. 

Participants can choose from more than 30 presentations covering a range of topics including:

  • Treatment and clinical supervision tactics
  • Trauma-informed care and practices
  • Impacts on victims and how to be victim-centered
  • Self-care and resilience for providers and their staff
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion

Despite being virtual this year, the event will include opportunities for networking, awards, and even a bit of levity via the opening keynote address featuring comedian and motivational speaker Sam Adams. 

You can find the full agenda and more information on the event registration site. Registration costs $190 and is due by July 5 (note: limited scholarships are available).

“We have a fantastic slate of really engaging, challenging topics this year that will equip providers with insight and tools that they can use in their professional practice. This conference is a great way to hone your skills and continue to grow and develop in this very important public safety field,” said conference coordinator Marina Borysov, who is a program coordinator for the Office of Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management (ODVSOM) in the Division of Criminal Justice. “We anticipate that the virtual format will also make these trainings more accessible to professionals all over the state who might not otherwise have the ability to travel to attend an in-person conference.”