OCC: Standards & Regulations

Community Corrections Standards & Statutes

The Office of Community Corrections establishes Community Corrections Standards under the advisement of the Governor's Community Corrections Advisory Council, these standards establish minimum levels of service within Colorado community corrections programs and seek to reduce risks associated with managing offenders in the community. Under the advisement of the Governor's Community Corrections Advisory Council, these standards establish minimum levels of service within Colorado community corrections programs and seek to reduce risks associated with managing offenders in the community.


The Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) are the codified general and permanent statutes of the Colorado General Assembly.

The following statutes and laws govern community corrections in Colorado.

16-11-102.4 - Genetic testing of convicted offenders (PDF)

16-22-102 - Definitions (Lexis)

16-22-103 - Sex offender registration - required - applicability - exception

16-22-105 - Notice - requirements - residence - presumption

16-22-106 - Duties - probation department - comm corr admin - court personnel - jail personnel - notice

16-22-108 - Registration - Procedure - Frequency - Place - Change of Address - Fee

16-23-103 - Collection of biological samples from persons arrested for or charged with felonies

17-27-101 - Legislative declaration

17-27-102 - Definitions

17-27-103 - Community Corrections Boards - Establishments - Duties

17-27-103.5 - Statements relating to a transitional referral to Community Corrections

17-27-104 - Community Corrections programs operated by units of local government, state agencies or non-governmental agencies

17-27-106 - Escape from custody from a community corrections program

17-27-108 - Division of Criminal Justice in the Department of Public Safety - duties - community corrections contracts

18-1.3-301 - Authority to place offenders in community corrections programs (formerly 17-27-105)

18-7-701 - Sexual conduct in a correctional institution 

HB 18-1251 - Colorado House Bill 1251

PREA (Federal) - National Prison Rape Elimination Act Standards

Performance Based Contracting

The Office of Community Corrections (OCC) has been executing plans for performance-based contracting (PBC) within the community corrections system for several years. PBC represents an opportunity to maximize the performance, efficacy, and quality of community corrections services through the use of incentives. Under PBC, the community corrections system becomes one of continuous improvement. An improved community corrections system in turn leads to greater public safety, successful rehabilitation for individuals, and long-term fiscal savings in relationship to reduced recidivism. 

In the 2021 legislative session, the Colorado legislature made a formal Request for Information (RFI) for the Department to provide an update on PBC. 

Request for Information Response to the Colorado Legislature 

Governor's Community Corrections Advisory Council

The Governor's Community Corrections Advisory Council advises and assists the Division of Criminal Justice in analyzing and identifying problems or needs, recommending policy modifications or procedural changes and developing strategies for the community corrections system. They also serve as a forum to address issues in community corrections brought forth by Council members or other stakeholders. Council members represent various units of government and private interests and are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Governor and receive no compensation for their participation.

GAC Meetings

All meetings of the Council are managed by the Office of Community Corrections. The Council schedules their meetings annually and those will be posted on the Public Meeting Calendar. Meeting minutes will be available for review once they are approved by the Council.

Next scheduled meeting: 

  • Friday, March 28, 2025
  • 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • 710 Kipling St. 2nd floor CDPS Conference Room, Lakewood CO 80215

If you need more information please contact: 

DCJ Public Meetings Calendar