OVP: Human Trafficking Council Members

Council membership is outlined in statute (C.R.S. § 18-3-505(b)). According to statute, some members are appointed by the Governor while other members are appointed by Executive Directors of state agencies. There are up to 35 total seats on the Council.

What is the Colorado Human Trafficking Council?

The Council is composed of up to 35 appointed members who represent a wide range of agencies including state agencies, law enforcement, prosecutors, NGOs, lived experience experts/survivor leaders, regional coalitions and task forces, legal services, victim service providers, academia, faith-based organizations, etc. 

Council members play an important role in addressing human trafficking in the state of Colorado by focusing on central matters that ultimately affect all survivors in the state. Members of the Council, help inform the general public about the work of the Council, how the State of Colorado responds to the crime and provides input regarding statewide legislation.

Responsibilities of Council Members

  • Attend the all-day annual retreat of the Council (in-person only) on the 4th Friday of January.
  • Attend monthly meetings of the Council either in-person or virtually.
  • Council meetings take place on the 4th Friday of each month from February – November from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Mountain Time.
  • If attending meetings virtually, a computer, stable internet connection and ability to engage in virtual conferencing (webcam & microphone) are required.
  • Participate in a minimum of one advisory committee of the Council.  The advisory committees focus on a variety of subjects such as training and education, data collection, prevention and more. Advisory committees generally meet once a month following the Council meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and may meet more often, or on a different day if determined necessary by committee members.  
  • Willingness to commit to a four-year term on the Council.

Benefits of Council Membership

  • Opportunity to inform state-wide policy to best address human trafficking in Colorado.
  • Opportunity to co-create recommendations for the Council’s Annual Report that often helps the legislature improve policy in the State of Colorado.
  • Opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the anti-human trafficking field by learning from fellow Council members as well as guest speakers.
  • Expand your network of professionals who are equally passionate and motivated to have an impact on how Colorado can best address human trafficking in the state and nationally.
  • Receive a one-hour Board Orientation prior to starting on the Council. 
  • Option to participate in our Council Buddy program where you will be paired with a seasoned Council member to provide support during your first year serving on the Council with the option to continue after year one. 
  • Reimbursement for travel expenses incurred for attending meetings (e.g. mileage reimbursement, lodging, airfare, car rental, etc.) if traveling from outside the Denver metro area.

How to Apply for an Appointment of the Council?

To apply for a seat on the Council,  submit an application to the Governor’s Office of Boards and Commissions

English Version

Spanish Version  

For additional language versions, please complete this short form

Individuals from historically excluded communities are encouraged to apply. Imposter syndrome can sometimes keep people from applying for such a position and we believe there is no such thing as a “perfect” candidate.  

For questions about the application process or serving on the Council, email our maria.trujillo@state.co.us 

Council Members

Current as of March 2025

Chief James Baird | Breckenridge Police Department| Rep. of  a statewide association of chiefs of police | Council Chair

Evanne Caviness | Conservation Services Division | Rep. of the Department of Agriculture

Yaël Coley-Greene | Community Member

Janet Drake | Colorado Attorney General's Office | Rep. of Colorado Department of Law

Amanda Finger | Colorado Network to End Human Trafficking | Rep. of a regional/city-wide human trafficking task force or coalition

Christian Gardner-Wood | Colorado District Attorney's Council | Rep. of a statewide organization of district attorneys  

Diana Goldberg | SungateKids | Rep. of a child advocacy center

Jenelle Goodrich| From Silenced to Saved | Rep. of a faith-based organization that assists victims of human trafficking

Chris Henderson | Office of the Child's Representative | Rep. of  a statewide organization that provides legal advocacy to abused, neglected, and at-risk children

Irma Jaimes-Alonso | Community Partnerships, EDI Unit | Rep. of the State Department of Labor and Employment

Anchal Jain | Community Member

Jocelyn Jenks | Colorado Legal Services | Rep. of a statewide immigration rights organization

Mona Petrocco Klein | Alliance to Combat Human Trafficking - Pueblo | Rep. of a regional/city-wide human trafficking task force or coalition

Domnique LaCroix | Streets Hope/Voluntad | Rep. of an organization that provides direct services to victims of human trafficking

Meghan LaPorte Trujillo | Urban Peak | Rep. of an organization that provides direct services to victims of human trafficking

Josh Landy | Colorado Criminal Defense Bar | Rep. of a statewide organization of criminal defense attorneys

Rebekah Layton | Community Member

Andrew Lorensen | Lincoln County Department of Social Services | Rep. of a rural county department of social services

Jo-Ann O'Neil | Human Trafficking Task Force of Southern Colorado | Rep. of a regional/city-wide human trafficking task force or coalition

Steven Ramirez | Shiloh House | Rep. of a nonprofit organization that facilitates the treatment or housing of human trafficking victims 

Captain Kelby Siegfried | Colorado State Patrol | Rep. of Colorado State Patrol

Hava Simmons | Larimer County Department of Human Services | Rep. of child welfare services for a county department of social services

Katherine Stenquist | Battlement to the Belles Anti-Trafficking Coalition | Rep. of a regional or city-wide human trafficking task force or coalition

Molly Stevens| Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance | Rep. of a statewide organization that provides services to crime victims

Caleb Stewart | Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network | Rep. with extensive experience with labor trafficking

Dr. Meghan Stidd | Office of Children, Youth, and Families | Rep. from the Colorado Department of Human Services

Dr. Michelle Sunkel | Colorado Mesa University, Social and Behavioral Science  | Rep. from a college or university department that conducts research on human trafficking

Bailey Thiry | El Paso County Human Trafficking Coalition | Rep. of a regional or city-wide human trafficking task force or coalition

ReJeania Tolliver | Violence Free Colorado | Rep. of a statewide coalition for victims of domestic violence 

Sheriff Darren Weekly | Douglas County Sheriff's Office | Rep. from statewide association of county sheriffs