ORS: Data Submission-U-Visa

ORS: Data Submission Home

24-4.1-401 to 4066, C.R.S. [see also, H.B. 2021-1260]
Agencies that certify U-Visa applications
Submission Due Date:
All certifications during a calendar year (CY, Jan. to Dec.) are due by March 1 the following year.

The Office of Research and Statistics (ORS) at the Division of Criminal Justice, pursuant to 24-4.1-406, C.R.S., facilitates the collection of U-Visa certifications and certification denials. A U-Visa certification is issued to noncitizens who are victims of crime and who assist law enforcement in the investigation of criminal activity. For information on this topic see, Victims of Criminal Activity: U Nonimmigrant Status. These reports are available to the public upon request.

U-Visa information is submitted to ORS through the Laserfiche system by March 1 for all certifications granted during the previous calendar year (CY, January to December). 

Request access to the Laserfiche system by completing the form at the following link: https://portal.laserfiche.com/t5150/forms/LFRequest_General. Please allow 1 to 2 business days for our team to process your Access Request. You can expect an email from Laserfiche Cloud to verify your email address and setup your password during that time.

After you have received access credentials, click on the button to log in and complete the U-Visa Reporting Form (opens in a new tab):

FORM-U-Visa Certification Reporting