ORS: Data Submission-Past Projects

ORS: Data Submission

The Office of Research and Statistics (ORS) conducts data collection from entities across Colorado pursuant to a variety of statutory mandates. Information and materials related to past projects are provided below.

Officer-Involved Shootings in Colorado (Repealed)

This data collection project was repealed as of June 30, 2020 and was mandated by Senate Bill 2015-217. The related Officer-Involved Shootings in Colorado reports were published annually between 2016 and 2021 and are available at ORS: Documents-Reports.

This data collection required any state or local law enforcement agency that employed a peace officer who was involved in an officer-involved shooting that resulted in a person suspected of criminal activity being shot at by the officer to report the information. Agencies were required to report to the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) by September 1 any officer-involved shootings that occurred between July 1 and June 30 of the immediately preceding fiscal year.

One form was completed for each officer-involved shooting event. "Shoot Teams" were authorized to complete the form on behalf of the involved agency or agencies; however, the name(s) of the agency or agencies employing the peace officer(s) were required. All persons involved in the shooting event who were either shot at or charged with criminal activity were referenced as "Subjects" in the data collection that included information collected all parties related to the incident. Agencies with no officer-involved shootings or incidents submitted a "No-Incidents" template.

To facilitate and standardize the data collection, templates were provided to report the information to DCJ. For information on this concluded data collection project, please contact us using the ORS: Request form.


Family Advocacy Demonstration Programs

Family Advocacy Group:
Family Advocacy Participants-Parents/Guardians Consent Form 
Family Advocacy Participants-Youth 18 Years and Older Consent Form 

Comparison Group:
Comparison Group Participants-Parents/Guardians Consent Form 
Comparison Group Participants-Youth 18 Years and Older Consent Form 

Professionals Consent Form 

Family Empowerment Scale (FES) 

Family Advocacy Group:
Family Advocacy Questionnaire (FAQ)-Family
Family Advocacy Questionnaire (FAQ)-Youth

Comparison Group:
Family Services Questionnaire (FSQ)-Family
Family Services Questionnaire (FSQ)-Youth

Data collection instrument Word or PDF 

Urban site (Family Agency Collaboration) 
Suburban site (The Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health) 
Rural site (Montrose County School District) 

Juvenile Sex Offender Evaluation

RSA Juvenile Data Collection Form (2008) 65KB
RSA Juvenile Data Collection Form (2006) 161KB

Crisis Intervention Training (CIT)

CIT Data Collection Form 108KB [Microsoft Word format]

Deaths in Custody, Quarterly Summary of Deaths in Law Enforcement Custody

CJ-11 2013 328KB
CJ-11A 2013 Addendum 135KB

Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) Standard and Guidelines Evaluation

Supervising Officer Data Collection Form 267KB
Treatment Provider Data Collection Form 235KB
Polygraph Examiner Data Collection Form 188KB 

Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC)

Sex Offender Therapeutic Community (TC) Program Evaluation
Group Process Measure Form 43.9KB
Sex Offender TC Study Data Collection Instrument 36.8KB 

Youthful Offender System (YOS) Evaluation
Mental Health Data Collection Form 45.8KB 

Criminal Justice Database (previously Court Database)
Court Data Collection (2007) 192KB 
Criminal Justice Database Collection Form 42KB 

National Institute of Justice Polygraph Study
Polygraph Study Data Collection Instrument 63KB
Polygraph Study Data Collection Instrument Instructions 33KB 

Parole Risk Study
Parole Risk Study, Male Instrument 47KB
Parole Risk Study, Female Instrument 68KB
Parole Risk Study, Male Sex Offender Instrument 48KB 

DOC/DCJ Evaluation of Intensive Residential Treatment Programs
Intensive Residential Treatment Program Evaluation Instrument 28KB