
OAJJA: 2025 Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP)

2025 Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP)


Byrne SCIP focuses on gun violence and the programs and initiatives that target the risk factors that are likely to lead to this kind of violence. The goals for the 2025 Colorado Byrne State Crisis Intervention (Byrne SCIP) Grant Program as established by the Governor-appointed JAG/SCIP Board are:

  • Colorado’s Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) funded activities will increase professional petitioner use and understanding of the appropriate use of extreme risk protection orders across Colorado from 60 per year to 240 per year (+400%), by September 30, 2027;
  • Colorado’s Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) funded activities will mitigate gun violence in the most impacted communities in Colorado by increasing the capacity of at least 40 community-based organizations, specialized court programs, and law enforcement agencies to implement community violence intervention, crisis intervention, behavioral health deflection, treatment services, and gun safety programs or initiatives, by September 30, 2027; and
  • Colorado’s Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) funded activities will decrease intentional and negligent gun violence injuries and fatalities in Colorado from 2,109 to 1,687 annually (-20%), by September 30, 2027

Project Application DEADLINE: Monday, March 10, 2025

Apply Now

How to Apply

The 2025 Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) Announcement of Availability of Funds, Application, and Application Instructions are available in DCJ’s Grant Management System, Fluxx. To access materials and apply for funding, log into Fluxx, click “Apply for Funding” and then click “Apply Now for a 2025 SCIP Grant”.

Project applications must be submitted on or before Monday, March 10, 2025. DCJ support ends that day at 5:00 PM MST.  


Failure to submit a complete project application may result in denial of funding.

To learn about the programmatic and financial components of the SCIP grant program, including application requirements and tips, view the recording of the 2025 SCIP and JAG Application Workshop & Slide Deck held on Tuesday, February 11th.

To learn how to navigate the SCIP & JAG applications in DCJ's new grant management system, FLUXX, refer to the General Grantee Training Recording & Slide Deck from the training held on Thursday, January 9th.

About the Funding Agency

The mission of the Division of Criminal Justice is to improve the public safety of the community, the quality of services to crime victims, and the effectiveness of services to offenders. We accomplish this by analyzing policy, conducting criminal justice research, managing programs, and administering grants.


Program Description

Purpose of the Funds

As authorized by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022, Byrne SCIP provides formula funds to implement state crisis intervention court proceedings and related programs or initiatives*, including, but not limited to, extreme risk protection order programs that work to keep guns out of the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves or others, as well as mental health courts, drug courts, and veterans treatment courts.

*BJA understands “related programs or initiatives” to mean those programs/initiatives that have a direct connection to crisis intervention, which is focused on identifying risk and intervening before harm occurs. Programs/activities exclusively focused on response to crime in progress or already committed would not be considered crisis intervention. Related programs or initiatives can include certain court-based programs, programs that deflect individuals to behavioral health services, and gun safety programs. 

Statutory Authority

Authorized by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. No. 117-159, 136 Stat. 1313, 1339); (codified at 28 U.S.C. 530C). CFDA# 16.738

Eligible Activities

In general, Byrne SCIP will support state crisis intervention court proceedings and related programs or initiatives, including, but not limited to, mental health courts, drug courts, veteran’s treatment courts, and ERPO programs, as well as related court-based, behavioral health deflection, and gun safety programs or initiatives. Allowable uses of Byrne SCIP funds include, but are not limited to:

Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Programs:

  • Implementing ERPO Programs – an extreme risk protection order (ERPO) empowers law enforcement, and in some states, family members, health care providers, and others to petition a court for a civil order that temporarily prevents a person from accessing firearms if they are found to be a danger to themselves. In 2021, the Department of Justice released model legislation that provides a framework for states to consider as they determine whether and how to craft laws allowing law enforcement, concerned family members, or others to seek these orders and to intervene before warning signs turn into tragedy.
    • Training for those implementing ERPO programs –
    • Training for judiciary and court staff on ERPO proceedings
    • Training for family members on ERPO
    • Training for first responders on ERPO
    • Training for social service providers on ERPO
    • Training for clinicians on ERPO
  • Communication, Education, and Public Awareness of Existing ERPO Laws
    • Outreach to community members, stakeholders, municipal leaders, law enforcement agencies, and those engaging with individuals deemed to be at high risk of firearm violence to raise public awareness about the value and public safety benefits of existing laws and programs, and effective implementation of such laws and programs.
    • Development and distribution of ERPO fact sheets, brochures, webinars, television or radio engagement (e.g., advertisements, spotlights, etc.), and social media outreach (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, X) in order to execute the communication, education, and public awareness strategy.
    • Publication of best practices regarding ERPO programs.

Related Court-based Programming:

  • Develop processes to identify, triage and connect court-involved people in crisis to services.
  • Expand the capacity of existing drug, mental health, and veterans’ treatment courts, including to assist clients who are most likely to commit or become victims of gun crimes.
  • Implementing or expanding domestic violence courts focused on those at risk for gun related violence.
  • Embed social workers in prosecutor, public defender and/or courts agencies to provide screening, assessment, and referral to services for people in crisis, such as court-based navigators.
  • Prosecutor, pretrial, or court diversion programs.
  • Development and implementation of validated gun violence risk assessment tools, enhancement of existing tools and service case management and navigation programs to assess the risks and needs of clients and connect them to critical services to mitigate their risk of gun violence and enhance their access to effective interventions.
  • Community courts that connect people in crisis with community resources.
  • Programming and training on domestic violence cases and related protection orders, including relinquishment of firearms.
  • Threat assessment training for prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, and public defenders.

Referrals to Community-based Services for People in Crisis:

  • (see the National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care Best Practice Toolkit and Guidance for Emergency Responses to People with Behavioral Health or Other Disabilities)
  • Pre-arrest law enforcement and first responder deflection.
  • Assertive community treatment.
  • Behavioral threat assessment programs and related training.
  • Triage services, mobile crisis units (both co-responder and civilian only), and peer support specialists.
  • Suicide and crisis prevention and referral to services.
  • Technological supports such as smartphone applications to help families and patients navigate mental health and related systems and telehealth initiatives, including technology solutions for telehealth visits outside the hospital.
  • Behavioral health responses and civil legal responses to people in crisis, such as regional crisis call centers, crisis mobile team response, and crisis receiving and stabilization facilities for individuals in crisis.
  • De-escalation training for law enforcement, first responders and other justice practitioners.
  • Embedding social workers with law enforcement and co-responder programs.
  • Specialized training for individuals who work with or are in families of adults and youth who are in crisis.
  • Related law enforcement-based programs, training, and technology, focused on crisis intervention for those at risk to themselves or others.

Funding for Law Enforcement Crisis Intervention Programs or Initiatives:

  • Development and or delivery of specialized training, including crisis response and intervention training (CRIT), and overtime for officers to attend such training.
  • Training for school resource officers on identifying youth at risk for firearm violence.
  • Supplies, equipment, technology, and training to safely secure, store, track, and return relinquished guns, such as gun locks and storage for individuals and businesses and software or other technologies to track relinquished guns.
  • Gun safety training for community members.
  • Systems purchase or enhancement to facilitate service and/or tracking of ERPOs.
  • Technology, analysis, or information-sharing solutions for ensuring law enforcement, probation, prosecutors, the courts, and public defenders are informed when a prohibited person attempts to purchase a firearm.
  • Data collection, analysis, and strategic planning to address community gun violence.
  • Personnel, supplies, and other related costs for crisis intervention officers or co-responders.

Required Application Components

  • Project Officials: You must have a minimum of three distinct contacts for this application, the Project Director, Financial Officer, and Signature Authority. You will also be asked to list a Primary Contact, an individual who will be contacted during the review period and will be notified of award decisions and next steps. The Primary Contact can be the same individual as one of the Project Officials or can be a different individual.
  • Project Overview: Project Title, Project Duration, Project Type, Project Summary, Problem Statement, Measure to Protect Constitutional Rights (for certain Project Types), Project Plan, Implementation Plan, and a Performance Measures Data Collection Plan.
  • Goals and Objectives: These are the elements against which the project will be evaluated, and which will be used to report quarterly and final progress to DCJ. Provide Project/Program Goal(s), Objectives, Measurements, and Timeframes.
  • Budget Details: Line Items, Justifications, and Narratives for the Project Budget.
  • Attachments: Organizational Chart (required if personnel funds requested) and a current Approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (required if funds for a negotiated indirect cost rate are requested)

Funding Details

Amount Available


Award Period

October 1, 2025 - September 30, 2026


Match is not a requirement for this funding.

Exclusions and Limitations

As directed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Byrne SCIP funds CANNOT be used for:

  • More than 10 percent of direct administrative costs of the project. Indirect costs are not part of the 10 percent limit on direct administrative costs.
  • Prizes, rewards, entertainment, trinkets (or any type of monetary incentive)
  • Client stipends
  • Gift cards
  • Food and beverage
  • Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), including unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV), and all accompanying accessories to support UAS or UAV
  • Lobbying
  • Supplanting


Units of local government (city, county, township, town, or certain federally recognized American Indian tribes) may apply to OAJJA for a Byrne SCIP grant. Applicants may include but are not limited to courts (district, county, municipal, and tribal), law enforcement, public health departments, behavioral health, district attorney’s offices, public defender’s offices, probation offices, emergency communication, etc.


Applications will be reviewed by the JAG/SCIP Advisory Board using the criteria listed below. If a project application is denied funding, a letter describing the reasons for the denial of funding and information on how to request reconsideration (if eligible for reconsideration) of the Board decision will be sent to the applicant.

  • The proposed project is likely to positively impact the Colorado JAG/SCIP Board’s Goals (See Overview section above).
  • Applicants meet eligibility requirements. 
  • Applicants provide a clear, focused, and concise description of the project, and how the activities/deliverables will address the problem described.
  • Applicants clearly identify need through use of statistics/information at the level of the project (i.e., using current state or local data).
    Applicants clearly demonstrate that the proposed project will solve critical problems within a local agency and/or a community, which falls within the purpose of Byrne SCIP, and which will positively impact the Board’s goals. 
  • Applicants demonstrate the capability to successfully complete the proposed project. This includes the ability and willingness to comply with federal and state administrative, fiscal, evaluation, reporting, and record keeping requirements. 
  • Goals and Outcomes are logical, sensible, clearly written, and directly tied to the Project Plan and the Budget.
  • Outcomes are realistic and able to be accomplished in the time frames described. And, Outcomes identify the amount of intended change expressed as a rate, percent or whole number. Measurements are included that will sufficiently document any change that occurs.
  • Budget items are detailed, reasonable, specifically defined, justified, demonstrate how costs were determined, and directly tied to the Project Plan and Goals and Outcomes. No concerns of supplanting have been identified.
  • Applicants demonstrate the ability and willingness to collect required data and meet the federal performance measures reporting requirements by the 15th day following each calendar quarter using the BJA Performance Measurement Tool (PMT) system.
  • Applicants demonstrate the ability and willingness to take measures to safeguard the constitutional rights of individuals subject to ERPO programs/initiatives and/or crisis intervention programs/initiatives implemented under an award

Additional Information

Grant Agreements

If awarded, grantees will receive additional information regarding administrative requirements.

Sample Intergovernmental Grant Agreement for Federal Funds

Post Award Reporting Requirements

The grantee will be required to submit financial and programmatic reports describing how the grant funds were utilized, including data and other relevant information on performance metrics. These reports will be required quarterly. In addition to DCJ’s required reports, BJA has established mandatory performance measures, for which data must be submitted by the 15th day following each calendar quarter using BJA’s PMT system. BJA’s reporting requirements and the list of performance measures are available through this link.


Announcement date: January 6, 2025

Application deadline: March 10, 2025

Funding decision announced: Early June

Reconsideration/appeals deadline: Mid-June, approximately 5 days following Denial Notification

BJA approval of awards: July to August

Grant Agreement Issuance: August to September

Award Period: October 1, 2025 to September 30, 2026


The Division of Criminal Justice is committed to a fair and impartial competitive application process. As such, any grant programmatic application questions and answers will be posted in the FAQs section below. Please check back to this website frequently so you are getting the most up-to-date information.

Questions about Grant Program & Requirements

Robyn May
Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, OAJJA
Direct: 303-842-3344
E-mail: Robyn.May@state.co.us

Questions about FLUXX & Technical Support

If you experience problems or have questions about how to use FLUXX, please contact dcjgms@state.co.us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Please check these FAQs frequently for the most up-to-date information about the Byrne SCIP application.

Accessibility and Accommodations

Accessibility and Accommodations: The State of Colorado is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans. The Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) is committed to the full inclusion of all individuals, and we are continually making changes to improve accessibility and usability of our services. As part of this commitment, the DCJ is prepared to offer reasonable accommodations for those who have difficulty engaging with our content. As an example, documents can be produced in an alternative file format upon request. To request this and other accommodations, or to discuss your needs further, please contact Robyn May at 303-842-3344 or Robyn.may@state.co.us