(May 10, 2021) - Colorado’s campaign to raise awareness about Human Trafficking has won a national award of excellence.
The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts has recognized the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s 2020-2021 campaign with the Award of Excellence for a Social Responsibility Campaign. The Human Trafficking Council is supported by the Office for Victims Programs within the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice and hired Orange Circle Consulting to produce the campaign.
The recognition was announced as part of the 27th annual Communicator Awards.
The Council launched the human trafficking awareness campaign in November 2020 to help raise awareness about this hidden crime by educating Coloradoans about the many forms of human trafficking. A simple definition of human trafficking is the severe exploitation of another person through force, fraud, or coercion for some type of labor, including commercial sex. Learn what to look for at Thisishumantrafficking.com.
The Colorado Human Trafficking Council works year-round to address topics such as policy, data collection, vulnerable populations, and services related to human trafficking. Learn more about the Council’s initiatives in the 2020 Annual Report.