Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) In SOMB

EDI in Policy Development


Policy Development

The SOMB incorporates the following EDI practices into policy development:



What SONICS is:

SONICS = Sex Offender Needs Integrated Classification System

SONICS is a classification system and not an instrument.

SONICS is an in-depth process that can identify and communicate a client’s risk factors, protective factors, and responsivity needs. Many of the current risk assessments do not always capture true risk.

SONICS Instrument Update:

  • SONICS is a 5-level instrument that includes categories that use average, above average, below average terminology that is based on current research
  • The SOMB SONICS Workgroup has been creating in-depth client profiles for each of the levels
  • There is a working document that outlines the target population, and the steps to designate a SONICS level
  • The workgroup has created a list of relevant risk factors, protective factors, and responsivity factors to be considered when making a SONICS designation

New Work Being Done:

  • The workgroup has completed a pilot group, which included evaluators across the state who used the SONICS to see its usefulness and receive feedback
  • Feedback indicated the need for more guidance as to how to consider the responsivity factors
  • Changes were made to clarify that need, and how to make the SONICS system more useable
  • The workgroup reviewed current literature regarding recidivism rates
    • Created a starting point for evaluators that is based on the actual recidivism estimate rather than a category name.
    • The risk score is associated with the standard category names used by evaluators
  • The workgroup has developed a section in the SONICS that considers clients with offenses of child exploitation material (Category B offense)
    • Category A offenses – identified victim, sexual contact, or sexual non-contact
    • Category B offenses – indecent exposure, consensual sex in public
  • Developed timelines and criteria for movement in the SONICS levels in order to change a designation to more accurately represent the client’s profile, or to make changes when risk levels lessen
  • Developed levels for contact and non-contact offenses

VASOR-2/SOTIPS Booster Training

Addressing criminogenic needs is critical for risk and recidivism reduction. The VASOR-2 and SOTIPS risk assessments help clinicians and community supervision professionals identify a client’s criminogenic needs when working with an adult sex offender caseload, which will then inform the client’s supervision and treatment. In this course, learners will review static and dynamic risk factors as they relate to sexual recidivism. Using the VASOR-2 and SOTIPS, learners who have previously taken the introduction to the VASOR-2 and SOTIPS training will enhance their skills by scoring additional case studies to interpret risk levels. Learners will gain deeper insight into the scoring of the assessments and how to interpret risk levels to maximize their case and treatment planning with a focus on risk reduction and enhancing protective factors.

This is an interactive training and space is extremely limited. You must strictly adhere to the ODVSOM Training Policy if you plan to attend this training.
Who should attend: an approved treatment provider, evaluator, probation or parole officer who has taken the VASOR/SOTIPS training previously and has been actively using the tools.

SOMB Training


September 18, 2021

Dismantling Implicit Bias – 2 hour training on 09-18-21
    Included two 90-Minute Small Group Workshops on 10-27-20 and 11-13-20

January 15, 2021

Implicit Bias Workshop Report Back – 1 hour on 01-15-21

November 20, 2020

Cultural Considerations in Sex Offense Treatment  – 1 hour training on 11-20-20

SOMB and Committee Representation


Incorporated EDI into nomination form and process
All existing SOMB members have completed the nomination form

SOMB and DVOMB are a model for the Division

Working on policies and strategies for how to incorporate into Board work


SOMB Representation Compared to Colorado Population and Registrants


SOMB Conference, Trainings, and Presentations


Added EDI questions to conference presentation selection process
    Specifically did outreach to identify diverse speakers
    Conference presentations will be much more focused on EDI
Will ask same questions for any other SOMB training requests
Will ask same questions of all speakers coming before the SOMB to do a presentation

Future Plans

Future Plans

Action Steps


Staff will be working with Anna Lopez, Reducing Racial & Ethnic Disparities & Federal Grant Programs Specialist with CDPS for guidance.

Staff are looking for opportunities to provide presentations for continuing education to the board regarding EDI, Cultural Competency and Marginalized Populations.

Staff and Committees will continue looking for new research and data to help guide our process to be most effective with implementation of new policies or procedures.

All Committees are working on incorporating and highlighting EDI within their work and how it can benefit the board. 

Important Questions


  • Who is the underrepresented, disadvantaged stakeholder you would like to reach?
  • What engagement have we had with these stakeholders?
  • Are we or are we not including them in decision-making?
  • What are the barriers/limitations?